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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Indie Games

    Indie == not made by a big mean company . So your games fit the bill. 1] Nice concept, but doesn't hold my intention for very long. 2] Not for me. 3] Great! Short indeed, but great atmosphere because of the story, and the lovely music. Gameplay reminded me of 2 other games though, one of them is also a indie game, thought I got that one from this thread, but I can't find it. A little game about controlling 2 characters (male/female) to a goal. The other one is [The misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom]
  2. General Retro Discussion

    Funny, because I actually did that, a long time ago, hardcore jumping skills on an actual NES . I didn't realize at that time (or actually untill this video) this was such a myth, and I can't rember the specifics, but I certainly wasn't aiming to jump over it. Imagine my surprise . I think I hesitated a moment, deciding what to do, see what happens if I grab the pole from the other side, or explore, eventhough I suspected nothing good would come of this glitch . Curiosity got the better of me, the result was the same disappointment as experienced in the video. I think I also ran untill the timer ran out . I also think it's the same level, as I did use that scale thing to jump over the pole. Edit: <sigh>
  3. Indie Games

    I tried [Hazard: the journey of life] yesterday, and I liked it. It's not finished yet though, it's a demo. I've seen it before on the UDK site (UDK is the Unreal 3 engine devkit which is freely to use (!) for non-commercial use), I didn't want to try it at first because, well, if you look at the screenshots .. It looks a bit too funky . But I stumbled upon it again, and decided "what the hell, lets try this". It's a 1st person mindfuck puzzle maze which give you hints which you don't know where to use and misdirections to places you shouldn't (or should you??) go, all with a minimal artstyle. The hints and misdirections are funny to read, the puzzles are nice, allthough I must admit I cheated by looking at a conference/trailer video which gave me the solution to where I was stuck . There's no action, there's nothing to kill, it's all puzzling in a 1st person environment. Technically it does some crazy stuff too, with recursive areas and dynamic walls, cool stuff. All done by just one person. One hint from me then, since this is a demo, and not a final product, you'll encounter things you cannot do anything with yet. I'll certainly keep an eye out for the final product (should be later this year). Edit: Might as well embed the trailer, but like I said, it gives away solutions..
  4. Magic The Gathering

    Haven't heard of heroclix, but after trying Magic online for a night, I can say people here are here to have fun too. They're really nice and generous.. For $ 10,- you get a new account with a starting deck, with not much to make a good deck with, but I've come across plenty people just giving me cards (after probably feeling sorry for me ) and giving me tips. Apart from the initial fee, I didn't spend any money yet on cards, but I now have a deck that's certainly not bad for something just given to me. Paper has definitely more charm, but online is more practical, especially the trading.. I'm sure you wouldn't spend as much online as you would with the fysical version. At least I'm having fun right now, then again, I don't mind losing .
  5. Magic The Gathering

    Just started an account at Magic online. I used to "play" back in the day, 'round the time of the Urza block. Mainly collected for the pretty pictures, as I only had one person to really play with, so even back then I was hardly an expert. With the online client, rules are being taken care off, and since I did keep track of news now and again, I'm not totally unfamiliar with the current rules. I'll keep it mainly casual, although it seems fun to enter some Urza draft / sealed tournement this summer. Any other new player red / green player can trade their starting blue black cards for my red greens. My nick is "Somnophore".
  6. Top ten necessary sequels

    Sometimes I get the feeling that, particularly my longer posts don't get read.. I guess they do, so thanks . I'm keeping my ideas for a new Zelda to myself though. They're too awesome. I take it you didn't play Deadly Creatures.. Your loss . Heheh, I'm doing [research] as we speak (well, type). And it suggests arachnophobia is required . Although I've seen a few top 10s now, and none include fear of the dark. And some aren't suitable for my ideas, fear of public speaking, fear of flying.. But yeah, I may send an elebarote e-mail to Climax one day .
  7. Top ten necessary sequels

    Didn't see the video, and a lot has already been mentioned but yeah. First: weirdly enough, I did enjoy Star Wars SotE.. Not for its gameplay, because I hated the bosses, always defeated them using cheap tactics. But purely for the atmosphere. Even when the gameplay consisted of the occasional boring stormtrooper popping up around the corner of a long uninteresting hallway of some temple, the atmosphere, for me, was always there. And yeah, we've seen plenty of Hoth, but I can never get enough of it. Which each rendition it becomes even better. I do not require a sequel however. - Starfox (I agree): I want a "true" sequel too. Assault comes closest, and was generally enjoyable, but has plenty of mistakes. I did not really enjoy Adventures (should've been Dinosaur Planet), and I just can't get into Command for various reasons. I'm actually not opposed to on-foot action (that has been available since the N64), my main problem with Assault was the lack of giant memorable bosses for each mission, but on-foot should be dealt with differently. Mainly, it should be a means to get to other vehicles/aircraft, or an option for those who do like to seek out alternative routes and explore. Imagine, starting a mission, but you start on-foot (3rd or 1st person, whatever your preference, mine is 1st), on the Great Fox, and you can go directly to the hangar and take your Arwing out, or you can hang around for a while, manning Great Fox's cannons and help your teammates from there. Great Fox flies a predetermined path, and your teammates have better AI, also because 4-player (online) co-op should be available. Difficulty should be adjusted accordingly. No dinosaurs, no fucking fuel. Classic/Cube controller compatable. Plenty classic arcade on-rails mission, few open-area, some space-based, some planet/spacestation based so tank becomes available, and a few open area missions where on-foot becomes a viable option for those who'd like to. End each mission which a giant epic boss. There. I'll make the rest shorter . - Eternal Darkness (I agree): One of my favourite games on the Cube, finished it completely (3 times). Like I've posted in the Red Steel 3 thread, I don't really see the benefit of the vitality sensor, but if there's a game who could benefit from it, this is it. Keep the sanity mechanics (there's plenty new stuff you could do, imagine the speaker on your remote for example), and add some psychological profiling like Silent Hill. Now that would be a mindfuck. Show us where the yellow magick comes from. - Zelda 4 swords (I agree): I like the concept, but never got to play it properly. How to remedy this: online and on wiiware please. And keep the DS functionality for local. - Metroid Prime hunters: Many disagree, but I love (the concept of) this Metroid spin-off. It's simply the only real franchise Nintendo has for this kind of multiplayer action. Bring it to Wii, because, although they did great job making the controls work on DS, it's still not very practical. Wii controls however are perfect. Give us some Nintendo branded FPS multiplayer action! - Zack & Wiki (I agree): Because they're so damn cool. And we need more newskool point & click. - Deus Ex: Oh hey, we're getting this one. I hope it's good. The first was fantastic, haven't gotten around playing the prequel. - Banjo Threeie (I agree): Haven't played Nuts & Bolts, but it doesn't seem like something I'd want from a Banjo Kazooie game. I've wanted one since Tooie. If they ever make one, I'll finally buy an X-Box (but strangely enough I've already got my gamertag ready :P) - Super Mario Bros 4: I love the New Super Mario Bros games, but a direct continuation of Super Mario Bros 3 in 8-bit style like Megaman 9 and 10, would really make my day. - Command & Conquer 5: 4's supposed to be the last one, and I haven't played it yet, but it already seems to be a disappointing finale, because they chose the last one to experiment with the gameplay. They should've brought back Generals or something for their experiments. Fix it EA. - Silent Hill (I agree): The psychological profiling mechanics were as much part of the gameplay as the story itself in the first (first for the Wii), obviously they can't do that anymore, but they should keep the mechanics for the gameplay, and create a complete new story (no remake of the original sequel, as that wouldn't work I guess with "our" first being so different). To bring back the horror and combine it with the psychological profiling, the obvious solution is to profile our phobias. Afraid of the dark? Spiders? Small spaces? Heights? The game keeps track of it and makes sure you'll have to confront your fears quite literally sooner or later. I'm sure there's plenty more, but I've bored you long enough .
  8. Red Steel 3 (Vitality Sensor compatible!)

    Like I posted in the comments, this screams April fools if it weren't for the fact we're long past that date. Still, I'd love to see a sequel, and now it's become a franchise, its chances at retail are automatically increased. It's one of the few 3rd party Wii (exclusive) "hardcore" franchises we have (in fact, I've had a quick look, and I can't find anything in my collection apart from No more heroes, which isn't exclusive anymore, although I'd still consider it a Wii franchise, oh and of course the upcoming Conduit). But I can't imagine what a (non-gimmicky) benefit vitality sensor compatability would have.
  9. Sin & Punishment: Successor Of The Skies

    Dunno if it's already mentioned somewhere, but I got an e-mail from Nintendo a few weeks back. Anyone who's downloaded Sin & Punishment for the VC, can acces some artwork for the new game in their star catalogue. Not that exciting, I know, still.. It's pretty hi-res and therefore suitable for creating wallpapers.
  10. Which is really strange as it is by far the easiest mission, just a bit of a relax moment between the real FPS action. Simply blowing stuff up from the safe position of your AC-130. The hardest thing is probably not shooting your allies by mistake, they're blinking but still.. Especially when you let the enemies get to close so you've got the blinking and non-blinking people mixed together. That's when you use the 25 mm gun. Or if there aren't too many of them, your allies actually will take care of them themselves. If you don't see enemies, don't worry, you don't have to do anything. Keep in mind where your allies are, and where they're going, then check the buildings ahead to see if there are enemies coming out. Fire the big gun, then switch to the 40 mm gun (the big gun has to reload), to kill any survivors, or to start blasting a new wave coming from another building. After a while, switch back to the 120 mm gun. When your team is in the trucks, make sure to take out the enemies on the roof of the first building they will come across quickly. And the last bit, the car park, or what is it, if you don't take out the enemies quickly they will swarm your team, again, in that case switch to the 25 mm gun to take them out. I actually find this a nice little diversion from the main action.. But for the love of the Gods, I can't handle an AC-130 when I play CoD6 multiplayer. Rather use the choppers instead. Funny this topic gets bumped, I actually (re-)installed CoD4 2 days ago. Did the campaign in 1 go, and for the first time I played a lengthy session of multiplayer (never really did when I had it installed under Vista). Got myself to level 12 or so. Too bad the servers I could choose from all have there preferences, usually just playing one fan-favorite map. I guess on the Wii this isn't a problem, I assume you have something similar to IW.net going on? Anyway, I've seen plenty of Crash, so this decreased the already little value the stimulus pack had for me . I'll definitely be playing some more, at least untill I get to level 55, but already I think I can positively say I prefer CoD6, despite its problems. It just feels more.. Fluid. I think I like the maps better in general too, but haven't seen all CoD4 has to offer.
  11. Modern Warfare 2

    DLC is up for pre-order on Steam. Normally € 14,99, pre-order price is 10 % off. I think not. 75 % off, and I'll buy it.
  12. Left 4 Dead 2

    Although I'd probably would pay for it, yeah, great to be a PC gamer. Too bad it's just 3 maps, because I really love the setting. It does seem a bit easier though, I'm no expert, and it's been a while for L4D2, which itself already seemed harder than L4D1, but even on advanced I came across plenty medkits. The finale itself, is similar to the one of Dead Centre, which I find difficult, but this one has somewhat of a safezone, which makes it much easier. I would've loved more interaction with the old crew,
  13. Super Mario Galaxy 2

    I do read the manual, but not right away, I usually start the game first. That said, the manual comes with the actual game, reading it there doesn't spoil the magic, because I'm about to experience it for myself. The manual is part of it. Anyway, I'm pretty good with spoilers, so no harm done, although for games I already know I want I try to keep spoilers / info to a minimum.
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (XBLA, PSN, WiiWare)

    Oh dear. I've just seen the minecart thing.. I generally dislike most forms of tilt controls, especially in 2D sidescrolling context. I don't like it in Wario Land, don't like it in NSMB, hate it in Mario Kart, but I'll make an exception for Kororinpa, and weirdly enough I do like it in Days of Disaster. But in NSMB you never had to navigate an entire level using tilt controls (and if you did have to, I obviously purged it from my mind). I love Mario, and I like Sonic, but not enough to endure a whole level of tilt controlling. Not sure if I'll get it now.
  15. Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Meh.. I watched the first trailer for 3 quarters, when I realized I'd watched too much.. I've avoided most stuff since then, but it's a shame when I'm getting cloud Mario shoved in my face on the front page. Oh well, whoever it posted, I forgive you.
  16. Again people, that thing most likely (personally I'm 100% sure actually) is a sealed copy. They don't dare ask such a price for non-sealed copies. That's because people like me, would actually consider buying those games from the previous generation, pure for the collection (although not this particular game, since I didn't actually like it). That said, non-sealed copies don't get my attention at all, unless I absolutely don't think there's a chance I can find something new.
  17. I've come across that seller (games4less.co.uk) often while looking for old Gamecube or other games on Amazon. Those kind of prices are pretty typical, which makes the name of ironic. Got mine for a normal price, I think from Play, but it wasn't sealed, this one is.
  18. Shantae: Risky's Revenge for DSiWare

    Yeah. Some time after its release I became aware of the game, but it was already rare to find then. I came across it for I think $ 100,- on Ebay, but I passed on it thinking that was a bit too much, even for a sealed game. Now [i'm banging my head against the wall] (Back then I could afford the $ 100,-, but now.. I would, but I simply don't have it).
  19. Xenoblade Chronicles (Aug 19th)

    I do too. I love the artwork, and the fact the gameworld is set upon 2 giants. Looking forward to it.
  20. Metroid: Other M

    Exactly . Won't feel as prime controls though. And you'll still miss weapon changing and stuff, but that's also something you can add by adding the nunchuck.
  21. Metroid: Other M

    To be honest, I don't think a Street of Rage comparison is accurate.. But faster-paced is the key here. Sure, we've been able to do "3D" on a D-pad since the NES, with Double Dragon and Zelda, but that's the thing, they're much slower-paced games than this one or the other 2D Metroid games. If you need to evade an enemy in Double Dragon diagonally, you could do so at a leisurely pace. Imagine that in turbo mode with enemies chasing you ruthlessly, how does circle strafing sound on that D-pad now? I'll agree that side-stepping an enemy in one of the many corridors (and similar areas) this game will likely have, probably won't be a problem, but I'm sure there are plenty open areas as well, which you didn't have in beat'em ups. Digital controls just don't feel right in real 3D (polygonal) games, can't recall any console games which have them, but there are probably some on the DS. You're right, I had though about it earlier, but forgot to mention it. Since they already simplified the controls, I'm sure they can spare a button on the nunchuck to map the switch on. There's no diagonal aiming (all auto-aim unless in FPS mode), no switching weapons I believe? I mean, you just have the D-pad, and the A, 1 & 2 buttons now.. Mapping controls on a remote/nunchuck combo could go something like this: C = FPS mode Z = morph B = jump A = fire Same number of buttons + C. More aren't needed I think? Anyway, this way would be more fluid, and less awkward than the current way. Another advantages is that the stick is free in FPS mode, so you could add (some) movement to the FPS mode.
  22. T-Shirt Designs

    I'm loving that one, I only have a tiny nitpick, you're not consistent with your pixel size.. You could've thrown in a line a tie-interceptors/bombers too. It's very cool nonetheless. Got some own ideas after checking out Redbubble.com and some other t-shirt sites. Got a fun gamers shirt idea, unfortunately because of copyright infringements I'll probably just keep that one to myself. That said, got some original ideas too, now if just get them into my computer I may join that Redbubble thing.
  23. Metroid: Other M

    .. I must admit it looks great in motion, although I still find it disappointing that the art design (levels / creatures / Samus) isn't up to Retro standards. But looking fun it does. However.. Now I've seen more gameplay, I'm surprised to see how 3D it actually is.. My graphics worries have been slightly alleviated only to be replaced by more control worries. Why they omitted nunchuck controls I really don't know. Even though 2D sidescrolling is the focus, they expect us to move in full 3D while only using the d-pad? That sucks. Why the hell did they insist on remote-only controls? - 3D movement --> analogue stick. Hello? - Helps the FPS bits, you're remote is already pointing at the TV, transitions are more fluid. - As this game is for the hardcore audience, you can expect every buyer to already own a nunchuck. If really necessary, sell a bundle next to the regular version. Oh well.
  24. Modern Warfare 2

    I'm all for new maps, and I don't have anything against the concept of DLC in principle, but they're asking way too much for 3 new maps. They used to give us this stuff for free, you know, as a treat for the loyal fans who've been playing a game since release, and perhaps as incentive for new players to pick up a re-release (Goty edition)(and some (plenty?) developers still do). Ok, there's indeed some extra labour involved, and they need to maintain their servers, so I don't object to paying a little bit for something extra.. But I think I probably pay 3 euros max. Then again, I like the game, and I'd love some new maps.. Let's see what those maps'll cost on Steam. Oh, and I'm not counting the old maps, I definitely do not want to pay for those. They're old. And the give me less reason to start playing CoD4 multiplayer for a change.