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Everything posted by Kounan

  1. I really hope to see you in time when you are online. My daughter is sick so I don't have much time, especially evenings, as she wakes up every 5-10minutes....
  2. Yes I have, and I have a problem on the third "world". That and FAST: R N I play only for about 1-2 hours a week, because I am on Xenoblade and don't have much time to play, but I really like both games. I will check the other game to see what is it about .
  3. Yeah, that was one thing that put me in doubt, but at the end, let's hope it will be playable . I'll let you know .
  4. I will probably get Star Ghost as I want to have games like that for some fun when I am to tired, or don't have to much time.
  5. Please tell me that she is bad, please .
  6. I liked it in Splatoon and think that it improves aiming a lot, but I have the same opinion as with voice chat, it should be there and it should be optional, so who wants to use it can do it, who doesn't, doesn't have to do it....
  7. OK, I am level 19 so I can basically enjoy my game without much thinking about weapons till I am high level? Thx
  8. I know that, I was using it a bit, but now I will stop probably, but can you upgrade armor in a way LVL 1, 2, 3, or did you just mean battle traits? Btw. is it worth to upgrade manufacturers (OK, it's not like you can spend so much miranium on something else) and which one should I choose?
  9. How do you upgrade armor and weapons? I didn't find that option?
  10. Is there any advice for equipment as it is the biggest problem for me? It seems there is just to much, plus it's a bit more complicated because you can improve some of the weapons and than there look better than the ones with higher attack points, while you can't remove the upgrades (you do have augments but it's a different upgrade). I went for only one class, but now decided to level up the three main classes and than continue with the rest of the "sub-classes" so I can try more weapons out.
  11. The random one was horrible, why that one.....
  12. @Pestneb do you want to race in one GP instead of me (my nephew will take one, I'll take the second one) , so you get at least something for tonight? I'll tell you when we finish the second GP and the guys can wait for few seconds till you sign in? For the final table it shouldn't matter?
  13. I am an idiot..... Today is the second, not the third, cccccc!
  14. I like it when there are CPUs as it's not that often that I finish last , but I don't know if it shows the fair results. I am for 2 groups. Maybe you could put the better guys in one group, and the less good (this is a diplomatic sentence ) in the second group and then the last from the better group could go down and the winner from the second group goes up, or something like that, depends how many people there are. It would also let the good players compete properly while otherwise it could be to easy for them against us. The final table could be calculated including only the TOP group results.
  15. Great, as I don't like changing the main avatar.... I am using Doug as he is strong, plus Elma and Lin. I still have to learn more about skills, for now I am exploring and doing affinity missions (have to mine, so did some squad tasks to increase blade levels and mechanical skills, which gave mi G6 mining probe, so I have left the house while the game is on so the mining can be finished). I will put Gwen in the squad when I am back, thx for the advice, I always try to use the arts my party want me to do as it increases afinity, so I hope that it will not be a problem. And yeah, I had to google PUGES as I have forgotten what they are . Am still on chapter 4 as I wanted to get into the game more before continuing with the story (requirements are met).
  16. For the people who have finished the game, do I have to control other charactera to be able to finish the game, or can I do it by just controling my avatar? THX
  17. Getting slowly into it. I like it again more and more. I was a bit afraid that I will not get into it, but I started watching the videos again and googled some things (missions, squads, increasing mechanical & co. levels), so now is everything much clearer.
  18. Came back to this yesterday and had no idea what I have to do as the game is a bit complicated and I didn't play it for a long time. My biggest issue is still the text size. How to hell didn't they fix it till now?? I have 20 missions I have accepted, but just can't bother to read about them as the text size is to small. I know it get's better with time as you get used to it, but it shouldn't have been an issue at all. At least I undetstand the shops and corporation better now.
  19. 200cc, o God..... I will hope for connection problems
  20. I can't open the link, can someone, please, give another link? Thx
  21. , sadly, there are to many games I want to play, so I have no time for playing games after I have finished them.
  22. I have just finished Zelda Wind Waker . It was OK. actually the game was good, I just didn't play it in the right environment. Now I can continue playing Xenoblade Chronicles X,...., actually I have to start learning from beginning as I have forgotten most of the things, especially the part where you invest money in companies and order your weapons (if I remember correctly). It will take me few months to finish XCX (which is a problem as I will not be proper in the story because of long intervals where I don't play anything), unless I start playing on the game pad, but I just don't want to miss the graphics. I have no idea what to do in this situation.
  23. Thx. I don't want other people account on my Wii U, I've just hopped I can play the installed games, but fine. Also, thx for the info about the option to take the games away.
  24. Thx. I was thinking of getting the a second Wii U so wanted to go second hand, but people here sell it and mention games they have installed on it and adjust the price according to it. Sorry, what is this about ? Or should I now care as the new account system will allow me to play my game on other Wii U hardware if I use my account?
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