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Everything posted by wackman

  1. "-Wii will include a built-in decent resolution camera that can be used to add your face to character models and add innovation to games. These snapshots can be tweaked as well. It is still being decided whether to allow camera to record and stream video. Mention made to have this feature be a strong feature in online play." dummest idea ever, and a stupid lie. Built in..... so evreybody will have to place the console in front of them on the table???? Think before you lie Game informer...
  2. exactly, don't misinterpretate what you read. The exclusion of HD support will save the wii about 1 quarter of processing power. Wich is good ofcourse, but it has nothing to do with the Wii being stronger than the other consoles. What it does imply, is that the capacity of the wii is closer to the other consoles thanks to the exclusion of HD support (when viewed on a SD TV).
  3. People who think for a while will realise that a camera in the flap would be really stupid. So everyone should place the wii console in front of them on the table or something. It's not more realsitic, it's more stupid.
  4. yes, accept for the graphics...Wii can't handle those i'm afraid..
  5. They (the people who held it) say that it holds more comfortable than the Snes controller because of the rounded underside.
  6. good thinking. i doubt they will do that however. but you are always in line with the sensorbar when you're playing, so it's more logical than in the console
  7. a town in Sweden?? Who or what is Stocka?
  8. No, not visors. glasses. The On thing is stupid (who want's a sweaty helmet?). But there are intweresting things happening in Movie world. George Lucas is making all of his Star wars films in 3D at this moment. This is possible because of a new technique, that makes the quality realy high but also realy 3D. http://www.videopost.com/pages/inthree6.html
  9. i would hate that! You can look through... that's no fun. The only truely fun extra would be something that gives more immersion. The feel of actually being there. 3D tv (allready possible: http://www.business-sites.philips.com/3dsolutions/about/Index.html) or a 3D glasses could do these things perhaps.
  10. Ha, good one! But why would you like to have a camera, seriously?
  11. I also think there is still something that will amaze us. I have absolutely no clue what it will be, but even if there will be no more secrets, i'd buy the Wii in a heartbeat. It seems like so much fun.
  12. Okay, i give up. Sure, there will be a projector in the Wii. A projector with better quality images than a high quality tv.. And all this for just 200 dollarino's. And the best thing is, you can play on this projector the whole day and in full light. it doesn't even have to be dark like with normal projectors (very sensitive to surrounding light sources), no, this projector is special. The only thing you will need is a piece of perfect flat white wall that you can project on. And if you don't have a wall in the huse, don't worry, you can project 3D images in mid air. Amazing how cheap these technologies are these days.
  13. Because it looks very different on a real photo behid "the flap". The SD card slot is much bigger and no camera like thingy (thank god). That's not to say that there won't be any more surprises. But let's hope this isn't a camera. A projector woud be equally ridicilous. A good projector is expensive and doesn't fit in a Wi console (unless they came up with some amazing cheap laser projection technology......). http://www.nwiizone.com/nintendo-wii/nwii/sd-card-expansion-slot-on-wii/
  14. A headphone input at most..... Just think how stupid it would be to put a camera there... You would'n want it there in the first place
  15. Nintendo could sell some sort of camera, but they would be stupid to place it in the console for the simple reason that people will place that console on different locations. There are some interesting rumors. This one is so stupid. Just because a word says backstage, people think it's real. If you can't tell this is real, you better hope it isn't real.
  16. man, this is old.... and fake... IT;S A BAD PHOTOSHOP JOB, and it would be realy stupid to put a camera IN the console itself. If there would be a camera it would come seperate ofcourse... Some people are so easy to fool..
  17. People, the guy that wrote this has allready confirmed that it was fake.... All you can do right now is hope that he guessed some of it right.
  18. Great! Do you have a scanner...??
  19. Actually, most people who played both the Sonic games say that Wildfire is the better one. They say that 'Sonic the hedgehog' on ps3 and 360 is almost unplayable, and that 'Sonic Wildfire' is the real deal. Don't judge a games on their polygoncount.
  20. hey, where did you get that other picture?? Graphics look great. Were there other things discussed at this Nintendo press conference??
  21. Must admit that, when reading my comment again, it can be interpreted the other way... (my english is not that great, i'm from Holland)
  22. no, i won't buy a game i don't like. I never said i would buy it. I would like the Wii to deliver these kind of graphics. They look great!
  23. i don't like pokemon but i would like it if these are ingame graphics...
  24. does any of you guys know whether this concerns the Wii? Ati makes more stuff than just Wii components...
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