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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. 2 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    This new trailer certainly has a vibe :laughing:

    Jaw-dropping! :o And hilarious! :laughing:

    This is also exactly what I (and probably the game industry in general TBH) need right now.  :bouncy:

  2. My best attempt at recreating @Glen-i's Switch melting run: :hehe:

    Got all the Arcanas, passives (apart from Torrona's Box) and most of the weapons, just missed out on evolved Blade Crossbow and C-U-Laser due to no Weapon Power-Ups or Super Candyboxes appearing. ::shrug:

    Didn't manage to crash the game, but the FPS did plunge to around 30 once again when things got particularly hectic. It seemed to take a little bit longer than usual to tally up the results screen too, which was weird.

    But yeah, interesting build that. Very cool how you plan weapon selection and upgrade order to surpass the limit. ;) Was also good to try something that's pretty different to what I normally use, plus I learnt about that golden egg trick. :cool:

    Oh, and I realised something... the devs should really add a drop shadow to the timer on the HUD. :heh:

  3. On 11/05/2024 at 12:07 PM, Cube said:

    Someone has created a tool that massively helps people in making native PC ports of N64 games. Some tinkering is still needed from developers and it won't allow changes as easily as decomplication-based ports (the recompiled code isn't readable), but it looks like it's going to be a great tool that will allow people getting N64 games running smoother with higher resolutions, widescreen and other stuff. It also automatically builds a version that doesn't contain any game assets (the user will need to provide those themselves) - the person that developed this software has released a Majora's Mask port.

    One advantage is that this is as accurate as the most resource-heavy emulation, but much easier to run. And it's a lot easier to modify than emulated games as well (just not as easy as decomp ports). 

    Games with unique code libraries (Factor 5's stuff) still needs work until they would be compatible, but it's a great start in making N64 games easier to play. I'll probably be near the end of playing N64 games by the time a good amount of these come out (I got quite far ahead before I started posting my daily write-ups), but it's still exciting, especially for some of the underrated N64 games (one of them even shown off in the video) to give them a chance to shine. 

    Oh, and they're working with raytracing mods. They ported Superman 64 to PC and added raytracing.



    That ray-traced Mystical Ninja tease at the end! :o:love:


    • Haha 1

  4. 4 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    Why do I pick them up now? Well, if you kill the Guardians without picking up the items, picking them up via Mad Groove will make the Guardians respawn! Double Egg, baby! They kinda melted in less then a second at this point, it was hilarious!

    Nice! I did not know that. :cool:

    Anyway, cheers for that very detailed explanation, I shall give it a go. :)

    • Like 1

  5. 14 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

    Once again, @RedShell stage is awesome and when me and @Glen-i thought we knew how it worked you changed it up the second time when the appearances reversed. 

    Thanks. :)

    Was a right pain to get that one working. :hehe: It still isn't quite right either (the spawn locations in 4-player matches are messed up :shakehead) but I can't figure out how to solve it.
    On the plus side though, Jessica's arm no longer has a hole in it! :D

    Anyway, cheers for the games everyone!


  6. Quote

    Why only $2.49?
    As usual we've been receiving kind comments about pricing and giving us more money, some intended just as a compliment, some actually serious. Collab DLCs have a much higher production cost for us, but that doesn't mean their price should skyrocket.
    You've already given us the luxury to keep working on Vampire Survivors even just for fun (hence the constant free updates), it just seems fair to try keep the cost of major expansions as contained as possible and border-line risky. We'd need something very big to justify a higher price point.
    And then if we accidentally inflate our own production costs because we decide to add 12 characters for fun instead of the usual 8... well that's our problem innit

    These guys are great. :bowdown:

    Anyway, just finished all the unlocks for the Contra stuff. :cool:

    Personally, I still think the collab DLC choices they've gone with (so far) have been a bit weird/out of place, but I also can't deny that this one was good fun regardless. :grin:
    I used to really love the Contra series back in the day, especially Contra III on SNES  :love: so it was nice to see and hear elements from that legendary game. :yay:

    Have to admit that playing this DLC has also increased the temptation to perhaps get the Emergency Meeting one at some point too. Despite the fact I've never played, or have any interest in, Among Us. :hehe:

    8 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    Welp, I've done it. I became so godly powerful during a run, the poor Switch couldn't handle it, and the game crashed!

    I hit around 30 FPS the other day, which is probably the lowest I've managed since the new engine arrived on PC. But yeah, it did make me wonder at the time, how is the Switch is coping with this? :D

    8 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    But yeah, it crashed shortly after the 30 minute mark. A bit annoying because the run didn't count, but still, I feel accomplished now.
    Probably won't stack Wings with Empty Tome with this character again though...

    That's a shame. :sad:
    Do you remember your exact setup, Arcanas, stage modes, etc.? I wouldn't mind trying to recreate it, for a laugh. :laughing:

    • Like 1

  7. Yet another great "out of nowhere" update. :cool: Man, there is nothing else quite like Vampire Survivors when it comes to utterly warping the flow of time! :heh:
    I'm back at 100% completion though, which is currently 211 achievements. :hehe:

    • Thanks 1

  8. 4 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

    Not familiar at all. :cheeky: Has this been determined that this drawing and resizing is an intended effect, or is it just a weird consequence of doing it? It seems odd that Nintendo would have them specifically react that way when I don’t think they use it themselves in any stages. 
    Either way it has made for some insane stage building and easily the funniest stage you’ve built to date. 

    Oh I'm pretty sure none of this stuff is intentional, just stage builder specific glitches that can be consistently utilised by following the right methods.
    Nintendo would probably be patching this stuff out if they were still updating the game. In fact, some of my earlier stages did get changed/stop working as intended back when they were. :hehe:

    • Thanks 1

  9. Ok, for anyone that might be interested, let me explain (or try to explain :heh:) the Captain Toad stage... :hehe: 

    Not sure how familiar you guys are with the more enigmatic features of stage builder, but basically there's a certain way of drawing and then scaling shapes to produce various different effects. They're often just visual, but sometimes they can modify terrain properties in a way which will then have an impact on gameplay, for example: if you draw a thin shape that covers the entire length and height of a stage, and then completely reduce its scale vertically, it becomes so thin that it deactivates collision! :D
    I use this one a lot when making the surface of "water", as the terrain remains visible but players, items and regular terrain can freely pass through it. You'll have seen this on the Nintendogs bath and Mii swimming pool stages.

    Other drawing/resizing techniques can cause the face of a 3D shape to disappear, with only the sides visible from specific angles, good for creating "invisible walls". ;)

    Others can allow characters to pass through in one direction, but not the opposite, etc.

    There are seemingly many of these types of tricks within stage builder, I learnt the majority of them from this fantastic YouTube channel: :cool:

    But yeah, when creating the PaRappa stage, I unexpectedly discovered a brand new one (again by resizing a larger shape) that somehow prevented characters from being able to jump! :o That was when I decided to instead use it for a new stage, and the first theme that popped into my head for it was Captain Toad. :grin:
    At this point I had no idea about the other aspects of that gimmick though, so when testing it outside of the editor I was very surprised to see that this piece of terrain also made picking up items impossible (unless using Villager's pocket) and would cause all players to instantly fall through it on a Sudden Death! :laughing:

    Three quirks for the price of one! :heh:

    Actually though, there are 4...

    Yep, you see when creating stages I also do some test battles with only CPU fighters, just to focus more on the stage and therefore spot anything that might need to be tweaked. Well, when I set the CPU on this particular stage, let's just say it made for some revealing insights into their AI. :eek: Unfortunately, I no longer have my capture device, otherwise I'd record some footage of it, but this collection of a post-match results screen will also paint quite a good picture of what happens:


    That's right, alongside not being able to jump, pick up items, and getting instantly KO'd upon Sudden Deaths, the CPU can't even attack while on this stage! :laughing:
    They literally just walk about (mainly into the corners) occasionally dashing from side to side in the centre, for the entire match! So yeah, I was really happy with this discovery, until I started to test attacking the CPU myself and realised that once a character gets launched (or initiates a Final Smash) they regain the ability to jump and can once again interact with items. :( Hence the ruleset I suggested yesterday.

    Having said that, I reckon the stage will be OK for regular time/stock/stamina battles, because as you'll have probably noticed last night, when your character is in the no jump phase they're much more difficult to launch, plus you can use certain attacks a lot faster than normal. Once respawned you get back the ability to jump plus the advantage of items, but you'll also be easier to launch than anyone who's still grounded.
    It might actually be weirdly kind of balanced in a way. :p

    Anyway, that's enough rambling from me. :geek:
    I'm glad everyone enjoyed the stage, it's unlikely that I'll be topping that gimmick in any other creations before I hit the inevitable 100 stage limit, but I'll certainly try my best!


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3

  10. 22 minutes ago, Glen-i said:


      Just so you can confirm it's good (Reveal hidden contents)




    That's perfect, cheers! :)
    Loving the name you gave it! :laughing::bowdown:

    24 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    No character in FP2 has a move that lets them store an item/projectile for later use, but Steve can spawn blocks underneath him with his neutral special in the air. The block isn't something that can be picked up, but it can be walked on, so I have no idea if that will affect the stage or not.

    I see. That could potentially mess things up. Ok, let's add Steve to the list of characters not to pick as well, just in case.
    But I'll keep the same stage selected for the second battle then (once we're back on the usual rule set) and someone can choose Steve, Villager, etc. if they like. See what happens. :D

    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

    Time format tonight at 7:30pm.

    Any chance you could set up a temporary ruleset (just for the very first match of the evening) to complement my latest custom stage?
    Yeah... that new stage gimmick I mentioned last week, turns out it's actually multi-purpose when it comes to wackiness. :laughing: However, it also appears to stop functioning as intended under certain conditions, still not sure exactly what's going on though, or how it will behave online. :heh:

    So if it's not too much trouble, can we go with:

    • 1 stock
    • 1:00 min time limit
    • FS Meter set to OFF
    • Smash Ball set to OFF (fake one is ok)

    And can everyone please refrain from choosing Villager, Isabelle or random select. Oh, and if there's another character that has a move similar to Villager's pocket in FP2, avoid them as well. Again, this would only apply for the opening match.


    • Weird 1

  12. On 16/04/2024 at 7:21 PM, Julius said:


    I watched the Digital Foundry interview about this with the fine developer folk over at Redemption Road last month and they seem a lovely and earnest bunch, well worth a watch :peace:

    Looks like it'll be a brilliant time :laughing: hope it comes to console at some point! Think they've mentioned Xbox before but hopefully it comes to other platforms too :D

    It's really great that they're putting so much effort into optimisation. :cool: Seems to have become an increasingly neglected area of game development in recent years. :nono:
    I have very high hopes for this game. :)

    • Like 1

  13. 3 hours ago, Sheikah said:

    For starters, forget using a keyboard and mouse on a sofa - it's not comfortable.

    I have actually tried that in the past and yeah, it really isn't. :laughing: Luckily, these days I use one of those small wireless keyboards that has a built-in touchpad, which works great.
    Admittedly, I don't really play those more traditional PC genres, like strategy or simulation type games, but for the few titles I've got that require mouse/keyboard I'll just map mouse movement to my controller's gyroscope with Steam Input.

  14. 33 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

    Bit late on responding here, but bravo on the Parappa stage there @RedShell, I see you really did your homework there.  It's basically spot on to the original game! :D

    Hehehe, cheers! :grin:
    Yeah, it's just missing a few aspects due to hitting the weight limit (and to keep performance decent) I also had to make the onion on the back wall a Smash logo, again for technical reasons. Stage builder really does not like it when you draw objects with too many colours/terrain parts. 
    At least I was able to include the wood panelling on the walls though, a detail that they seemingly forgot in the Battle Royale version of Fruites Dojo. :hehe:

    • Thanks 1

  15. On 20/04/2024 at 2:07 AM, Sheikah said:

    The majority will never take to PC as their main gaming platform. Expensive, inconsistent and not well suited to being used on a TV - which is important for many. Those who say it's superior to console are looking at a spec sheet and not the practicalities of modern life.

    I've been using a PC exclusively on TV for about 4 years now and can safely say that is no longer the case. The only issue I've encountered there is with much older titles that run at lower/unusual resolutions, but even then there's always a relatively simple solution to get it working. I consider it the modern-day equivalent of blowing on a cartridge. :heh:

    On 19/04/2024 at 9:24 PM, Nicktendo said:

    PC and Switch is the place to be at the moment

    Couldn't agree more.

    I've not looked back since dropping Playstation and shifting all my 3rd party stuff over to PC. Cheaper games, better performance, no cost for online play, more customisation options, mods, and backwards compatibility that's truly future-proof. Sure, the initial costs with PC is very high compared to console, but in the long run I think it's well worth the extra investment.
    I don't expect the combo of PC + Nintendo console will change for me any time soon.

    • Like 1

  16. 11 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    In hindsight, @RedShell's stage shouldn't have surprised me. Parappa is one of the vanishingly few inspired characters in that game, and I can totally imagine he likes that game.

    Indeed I do. :D

    11 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

    Great games, my only win came from the guy that destroys the world. And fun impromptu final match was fun. 

    You almost did an amazing comeback against Glen-i on my Epic Flail stage though (Ryu vs Ken) I was on the edge of my seat spectating that battle. :hehe:

    Anyway, cheers for the games everyone!

  17. Got a heads-up on the theme from Glen-i, enabling me to create an appropriate custom stage for tonight. It's a pretty simple one, yet I somehow managed to crash stage builder while making it! :woops:
    However, this also led to an incredible new gimmick discovery :idea: (I'm talking cannon graveyard level silliness :D) but I'm going to hold it back for another build and to do some more tweaking, so you won't be seeing that tonight.
    If all goes to plan though... Mwahahahaaaa!!!! :laughing:;)

    Anyway, see you later for some "all-star" battles. :heh:

    • Like 1
    • Weird 1

  18. 57 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

    Word of warning, apparantly the PC version of DR2/Off The Record does not support Xbox One/Series controllers.  They will only support Xbox 360 controllers and nothing else from what I understand.

    Cheers for the heads-up.

    How strange though. DR1, 3 and 4 all have full controller support. :hmm:

    On the pcgaming wiki page it has a green check mark next to XInput compatible controllers, pretty sure the controller I use can be switched to that. Anyway, even if it doesn't work, I could always use the custom controller mapping feature in Steam, right?

  19. 3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    @RedShell Yeah, the original Dead Rising is fantastic. I had a huge amount of fun on it back when it was released on the 360. The sequel is pretty good as well but everything after that turned a bit rubbish.

    Yeah, I'd heard that the games dip in quality after the sequel. I definitely plan to check out the second game at least, I'm just a bit confused about which version to get as it seems there are 2 Dead Rising 2. :heh: As far as I can tell, the "off the record" version is the one to go for, because it features Frank and all the photography stuff again.

    4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I think there was an achievement for killing 50,000 of them or something ridiculous like that. I vaguely remember having to drive around in the tunnels in a van and grind the kills that way.

    Indeed there is. :grin: And for sure, you would've done it buy driving around the maintenance tunnels, ludicrous amounts of zombies in there.

    4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    That Garfield mod looks hilarious. :D 

    Yup, unfortunately it doesn't make the cat talk, had it also included Garfield's sarcastic commentary I would have replayed the entire game! There is, however, another mod that replaces all cat meows with fart sound effects, which combines well with the Garfield skin. :laughing:

    • Like 1