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Everything posted by sim1987

  1. That is just so typical, completely sods law! Last time I saw 100point cards up I left it waiting for the 1000 ones, no 1000s came and the 100s went so I thought ok next time I'll get a 100, did that today and within 10minutes 500s came up.
  2. seems to me unless you are there the second they upload more point cards, then you don't get one. All I want is one 1000 card and a 500 card. Is that so hard? I think the next FAQ on their card website should be "Why is it so hard to get anything here?" or "Why is this site so rubbish?"
  3. Anybody else getting sick of the lack of point cards? If they had any decent stuff in the star catalogue fine, but pull back karts, clothes, and accessory kits aren't really that great imo. The only things I would really want are the wii bag or the statue, but 6,000 and 15,000 are a bit excessive.
  4. It's true! It's like hurry up!
  5. Ok they have 100 point cards up but its pointless for me. Yeah I'm gonna give up now. As per usual NoE fails to impress. I'm not spending my points on some tatty t-shirts, and the only thing most people want is unavailable for what seems to be a majority of the time.
  6. Would it not make more sense to just have an infinite amount of online codes that automatically link to your wii?
  7. This is getting a bit tedious now, I waited all week thinking "ok up on Sunday" got to today and it is now 21:30 and it still isn't up and running, it best be up tomorrow.
  8. Oh well I guess registering Super Mario Galaxy will have to wait.
  9. buh I wish they would hurry up already!
  10. So do you actually get the lockable straps?
  11. I have now, why?
  12. I mean the stuff that's supposed to be under wii is under ds as well as the ds stuff
  13. Has anybody noticed the site has become messed up now?
  14. Yeah I got it too, I best still have my stars by the time they're done, I would not be impressed if I didn't, and like somebody else said, about time too. "Soon you can spend stars on wii points", ok that was said when? 6-8 months ago? If it isn't the stars to wii points thing, it will just b annoying.
  15. Lol well here you go just so we all know where the term douche bag came from, lol it isn't really that insulting reading its meaning. "A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching: a bag for holding the water or fluid used in douching" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douche_bag Just makes me laugh when you get called that, so many of these comments back fire, and just make the commenter look stupid.
  16. Doesn't it just make you laugh at the comments people leave? It isn't just youtube it's places like ebaumsworld and almost anywhere where you are allowed to comment. I mean I posted a comment about a video on youtube part seriously asking part joking, if anybody else thought phil collins in that video looked like frasier crane because he had a receding hairline. I got a lovely response saying "you fail in life". It just made me laugh because it was so pathetic but the amount of comments you get saying stuff like "go kill yourself" (especially when supposed emos post you get people saying that) it's just like "How pathetic can you get?" Some of the time it makes me chuckle but other times it makes me wonder if some people actually get affected by people posting those kind of comments. What do you guys reckon, do people actually get affected or not? obviously some may others may not but what do you think? And how should those kind of comments be dealt with?
  17. has anybody had it where you play a particular game and the wii crashes after a while of playing and makes a horrible non stop beeping noise? It doesn't make much sense because the game isn't damaged, and it only happens on that one game. 30 odd minutes of playing and then just a frozen screen and beeping. I've played gamecube games, and 3 other wii games and it's fine but with splinter cell it just doesn't work, strangely enough it was fine up to this stage.
  18. Has anybody here got that fan stand? If so is it any good? I'm planning on getting it coz I want wii connect 24 on but have just read the whole graphic over heating thing.
  19. I know there was quite a bit on projectors but I couldn't find anything handy, so basically I need a quick guide to explain any differences in setting the wii up for a projector rather than a standard tv, I mean like does the bar still sit in the middle bottom of the place where you're projecting? and do you have to connect the wii up any differently. Cheers. Come on people!
  20. Right quick easy to answer question, when they say £10 for 3months does that mean I only have to pay for 3 months or is that their way of making it seem cheap when actually they mean £40 for the whole year? Coz £10 for 3 months is genius especially seeing as you get a Wii bag, 3 magazines and the free gifts.
  21. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/786/786149p1.html Or as I like to call it "Save the Children" gets owned by the head of "Entertainment Consumers Association". I mean seriously "Teachers also note a rise in "thuggish behavior" and behavioral problems aggravated by videogames." Right ok and they know it's video games how? Since when have teachers sat kids in front of video games and gone "ooo look at that one there he's getting a bit thuggish", lol great evidence they've used to prove their point.
  22. lol well I had fun with my 2nd wii controller for 3 days then my mum bashed it against my chinchilla cage and it keeps on desynchronising, sure you can resynchronise it but it's annoying playing a game of bowling and randomly throwing it 5 seconds earlier or having somebody bowl at you in baseball and not being able to swing. lol I don't really want to ask her to buy me a new one because it just seems rude and ungrateful but I waited ages to buy wii play just so I could get a second remote and some fun games.
  23. Who here actually gets songs off of games they like? And if you do what ones do you have? I mean things like Gerudo Valley (I don't know its real name) off of Ocarina of Time, or even remixes like Arctic Ambitions off of one of the original 3 sonics (The levels where he snowboards).
  24. This is going to be awful everybody knows how much Game suck, I only go in there if I need to, I don't go in there regularly just because prices are awful, game trade in is awful, I've always found Game is full of people almost middle aged who can be quite snobby where as gamestation the staff seem quite young and up for a chat about games and consoles far more useful than Game, it's going to be like when Game took over electronics boutique, electronics boutique wasn't too shabby either, now look at it. Now where I live it will be a choice of Game the main store, game the store in Allders or Debenhams one of them, or Game on the highstreet. Wonderful, so for those who have no credit/debit card it's a choice of crap, crap or crap. I know I can borrow my parents and pay them back but then you get all the hassle of "shouldn't you be saving that money?" "No, I should be spending it on fun stuff while saving"
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