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Everything posted by sim1987

  1. The only faults with vista so far are the constant security updates that you can expect with almost any operating system and the fact that even on high spec computers it can be quite clunky. Even though I hate XP I won' be getting vista for another year or 2, it has some good ideas on it and looks good but I want a high spec computer and to have waited until the kinks are worked out.
  2. lol yeah that guy had me laughing for the first half then I got bored of the drivel coming out of his mouth. I'd like to see him against a professional debate team. I would compare it to say the world champion boxer against a beginner, he'd go 1minute or so and then be knocked out cold.
  3. Yeah I gotta say both those gun shells are awful for two different reasons, the joytech one would be ridiculous to play with just because it contains both the nunchuk and the wiimote although I see what they are getting at as it would be easier to use one hand for both but the wiimote buttons aren't very accessible. The zapper is just awful to look at, it has a sloped grip (since when did guns have sloped grips?) and doesn't fully explain how all the buttons would be usable. The whole idea isn't very good just because the idea behind holding a gun while shooting is to immerse you but if you are firing a rifle on screen and holding a pistol it isn't very immersing.
  4. So does that mean that somehow the mii becomes intelligent and answers the questions on somebody elses wii for you?
  5. I said yes but I really said it because the question is "Are they possible?" not "would you like them?" I personally would hate having a wiimote or even a nunchuk strapped to my foot, it would feel horrible, I don't know how to work it short of using the already set buttons, unless you had some extreme peripherals like a touch sensitive football and goal and that way you could put spin on the ball literally and actually shoot at the goal.
  6. Well I emailed nintendo about opera crashing they said they'd had no problems like it when I told them the whole system crashed when opera crashed they said send it in, lol second thing wrong with my wii. Heyho thats life hey?
  7. Now the reason this makes me laugh is because I'm 19 and not meaning to boast but I've been told time and time again that I'm surprisingly mature for a guy my age so it isn't like its a case of me being an immature 19 year old guy. It just makes microsoft look stupid because the insult itself is babyish. Its just like oook so you must be playing one then yeah?
  8. Ooooo how that makes me angry, I hope you guys realise he does not speak for all Christians, I myself am a Christian, fully practising, not somebody who just claims to be, and I certainly don't agree with this mans actions, I use the term man loosely here, I wouldn't mind if he had responded and actually seemed sane but it makes me angry he used the Lords words in his wrong battle. I don't recall anywhere in the Bible Jesus saying anything that could even be loosely translated as "Playing violent games is evil", by even suggesting this this snake has breached the whole belief that Christianity is not a set of rules, that we still have freedom. How rude and inconsiderate. I play violent games, not because I feel like I need to kill humans or human like people but because they quite often have good story lines and the people aren't real so it doesn't matter, if any of you have seen my quick comments on manhunt 2 you'll know I even find it funny because the story line is so absurd but that is partly what makes it a good game. Lol anyway in summary we aren't all horrible people trying to ruin a good gaming experience. Oh and I eagerly await March 23rd to see if this man has been silenced or to see if Take Two have actually been taken down. Hopefully the man will be silenced.
  9. Recently my opera on Wii has been crashing anybody had the same problem? One person I talked to suggested cache over load, but somebody else said they had streamed a 2hour movie no problems, so the only thing I can think of is beta instability? Any ideas people?
  10. Take Two Turns Tables on Thompson Lol poor poor stupid man, I suppose the saying "What goes around comes around" fits in well here, silly man. I can get what he is getting at with the whole "kids pick up bad ideas from violent games" because it is true for some kids (not for me but hey) but that isn't the fault of the developers, it can partly be the fault of the retailers if they sell kids the games, but I reckon it is partly the fault of the parents for being stupid enough to buy their kids violent games, but also it's to do with the kids psyche I think some have the ability to determine what is reality and what isn't, and some don't have that ability, what makes some kids like that I don't know but I don't think it has anything to do with the developers. I think as long as you can determine what is applicable to reality and what isn't violent gaming is fine, and even sometimes healthy. I can definitely see why Take Two have finally asked for somebody to shut this guy up, it's as bad as anybody gossiping, unless you have proper hard facts shut up and stop ruining peoples reputations.
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