My conclusion is that the name's not for the gamers, the games will be for us,-and everyone, but the name will certainly attract girls and older people, I can't imagine a married thirty something man (or woman) with kids, seeing an ad for The Nintendo Revolution, and feeling like it's something they would want, but I can definitely see them feeling that way if it were called Wii. First they'll say, "Wii? that's strange, hmm.." The biggest thing it has going for it is that it's different enough to break away from the current videogame image, and that's exactly what Nintendo wants to do, they won't be thinking, "HAHA That sounds like Wee, I'm too grown for THAT!" It's a much more inviting name than Revolution is for the people they need to reach with the name, because any real gamer will play and buy one regardless of the name.
hell, I could even see my parents, who are over 50, and black, being interested in it.