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Nexus Zero

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Everything posted by Nexus Zero

  1. Yeah those fucking liars at Asda screwed me out of a Wii, too. Told me I should turn up around 11.30 as they wouldn't be allowing queues, turn up about 10 to scout and oh look, a queue of 12 people for 12 Wiis. Thanks dickheads.
  2. My WiiPlay should come tomorrow, as well as an extra 2000 points card, which I didn't know I'd ordered. Anyway, this still leaves me without a Wii to play it all on! Hope I'm successful at Asda. Pyxis, when do you think you'll be sending the next batch of Wiis out? Will I be able to change the address mid-order to my billing address, because I'll be going home next Friday?
  3. I've just rung the West Bridgeford store - apparently they're getting around 10 in and he recommended I get there about 11-11.30 as people aren't being allowed to cue. It's first come first served, but I think it sounds a bit retarded because if they're only getting 10 in, why not make a line of 10 people and then tell everyone else to go home? At least that way it won't be a mad dash. Edit: And my GamePlay order has this second changed to "being picked" for most things - not the console or the classic controller, but Zelda, nunchuck and points card.
  4. That's excellent, thanks! I'll be going about 6 I think.
  5. Are Asda not taking preorders?
  6. Agh apparently even though I was promised a console on day 1, and I haven't had an apology email in the past day, I still won't get my Wii from GamePlay until next week. I'm ringing around stores in Nottingham but one said they had 8 orders to one console. It's not looking good.
  7. Mine all still say Pre-Ordered, but I haven't had an email of doom yet. I'm taking this as a good thing.
  8. Oh cool, thanks I just thought I could do a better job reopening Zelda Elements, and I needed NoE Watch's server to do so. Still, times like this, seems like a pretty good idea again. Hmmm.
  9. Ha, yeah I am. I guess there's a certain irony about this.
  10. To be fair, the American launch had some pretty hardcore distribution problems, too.
  11. My Wii has just had a * slapped next to it with a message at the bottom saying, "* This date is based on the release date of the product and is not a guaranteed dispatch date. It will depend on stock levels at launch. Due to high demand this may not be a guaranteed dispatch date" Oh my.
  12. I still haven't had this email from Gameplay... don't know if it's a good sign or a bad one.
  13. Oh man. I've ordered from Gameplay too. I'm hoping not to have to travel into the city at 5am, crossing my fingers outside somewhere like Woolies or WHSmiths.
  14. Speaking of advertising; while I think Nintendo are doing really well with Nintendo DS at the moment (though the Channel 4 comedy night ones are awful), I think they can expand with the Revolution. This is their chance to really break gaming out into the mainstreak, so, while I hope they create a strong brand identity like they have with DS ("Open up and play" > "Touch me") I'd like to see adverts for this thing everywhere. Like, Zelda and Red Steel in FHM, Bob Ross in old people's magazines, Battalion Wars and Mario in younger magazines, Mario Party and Wario Ware in puzzle books and on Challange TV, Pennant Chase on Sky Sports, things like that. They should retail these things in Next and Topshop and places like that.
  15. Retard: Confirmed. The analogue stick is your primary input mechanism and Sony are daft for putting the d-pad in the primary position. Anyway, why would I want to buy a console exactly like my last one, except with better graphics?
  16. Good controller: check, idiot Larger Size Media discs: Same as 360's discs, more capacity unneeded for 640x480 games Hard drive: External HD's supported, comes with half a GB of SD memory, expansion slot for more. Check 60 Frames a Second: Depends on developer/game, GC can run some games at 60fps, others at 30. 360 plays most games at 30, if that. Don't be a dipshit. Full Square-enix support: Don't we all!
  17. Are you forgetting the iconic blue light from the DVD drive? Still, I agree, Bluewave doesn't sound so likely, but there's no way a console trying to break into the new massmarket will be called "Revolution".
  18. That's a stupid argument. The Rev will probably be about £150 (but with a second controller pack-in) and the PS3 about £300-400. You don't need a HDTV to get great graphics on PS3, so with two games for each console (£50 on PS3, £40 on Rev), the prices are about £230 vs £400-500. See, you don't need daft, over the top arguments to show an obvious price difference.
  19. Funny how no-one says anything about Zelda when they release high-resolution screenshots with no GUI.
  20. 2x lighting will be fine, but this thing will be able to run Havoc physics easily (the Xbox can) and as for AI, we'll see. Lighting is purely cosmetics, cry me a river.
  21. The spec's aren't an April Fools gag, but I have to laugh at the desperate fan boys who are clinging on to that one thread of hope that Matt's wrong. Like this: hahhaha. This thing is about twice as powerful as a GameCube. If that's not powerful enough for someone, they need to have their fucking head checked. Resident Evil 4 x2? Twilight Princess x2? It's pathetic people still think that the Rev will be the powerhouse that is the PS3, but it's even more pathetic that they care. GameCube x2 guys. Meaty stuff.
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