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Everything posted by ShadowV7

  1. Dude, those are actually bitching T-Shirts And nice videos!
  2. Danger live from Paris (Right Now)

    Exactly the same here. I thought something had actually happened
  3. Let the sun shine and smile.

    You just know that that is some important notice/bill and they're gonna blame the poor baby for it. Bastards.
  4. 3DS Console Discussion

    Yeah, uhh, yeah me too. 2 Pre-orders.. Just got to be careful...
  5. 3DS Console Discussion

    And that number is going to keep going up till the 25th. Saying that, stores up here are out of allocations already. Good luck
  6. 3DS Console Discussion

    Also Samurai Warriors will have DLC. I'm scouring the internet for details on this daily. There's next to nothing about it so far.
  7. GIVE ME SHENMUE III!!!!! /contribution
  8. 3DS Console Discussion

    I'm staying off Uni that day too. And in an awesome turn of events, the following week is my mid-semester break.
  9. 3DS Console Discussion

    To be honest, even with lack of good software, same here. I'm counting down the days now. 3 weeks tomorrow/tonight. Woop!
  10. Super Mario 3D Land

    I loved the screenshots of this game. I have to say I got a Super Mario 64 vibe from this, and to be frank, that's exactly what I want. God I love that game. Platforming genious.
  11. The tears here taste delicious. Also I ended up seeing this trailer by accident. This alone got me incredibly hyped up, it looked to me rather different me than the previous traditional Zelda titles, the vibe I got was totally different. The style and focus just seemed to be in a different direction in that short time I oogled at the screen.
  12. Wii General Discussion

    I can't seem to get the stream working. Moaning about Flash Player 10 even though i've already installed it. Woop.
  13. 3DS Console Discussion

    Link Good to see some reviews now.
  14. 3DS Console Discussion

    Screw Ridge Racer, give reviews on games we care about. How ever little amount of games that may be.
  15. Pokémon Black & White

    Well, £26.99 on GAME, can't really argue with that. Cheaper than I thought. Time to re-read the differences in the links you posted.
  16. Pokémon Black & White

    Hmm, still unsure whether to get round to pre-ordering this and joining in the Pokémon fun. Was considering Black, since it's black, but White looked nicer scenery and not so tech advanced. Hearing it getting shipped at first doesn't help. Just don't want a repeat of everything and I think the games haven't went down since Gold/Silver. I guess I best read some impressions on it.
  17. 3DS Console Discussion

    For a console that was release a couple of days ago, it's a bit hard to come across impressions/reviews/details on the launch games. Internet, you're failing me.
  18. 3DS Console Discussion

    Some Famitsu review scores are in! nintendogs + cats (3DS) – 10/9/9/10 Super Monkey Ball 3D (3DS) – 9/8/8/7 Ridge Racer 3D (3DS) – 8/8/7/9 Samurai Warriors: Chronicles (3DS) – 9/9/8/8 Super Street Fighter IV 3D (3DS) – 9/8/8/9 PES 2011 3D (3DS) – 8/8/8/8 Professor Layton and the Mask or Miracle (3DS) – 8/8/8/8 Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D (3DS) – 6/6/6/6 Puzzle Bobble 3D (3DS) – 6/6/6/6 I have to say, i'm pleasantly surprised with Samurai Warriors. Was a bit unsure on how it would turn out. But liking that score.
  19. 3DS Console Discussion

    Well since DoA isn't a launch title, I need to get another launch game. Need more than just SF IV and Samurai Warriors -.- I fear I might just get Nintendogs or Rayman just for the sake of it. Hurry up with the April + release schedule alreay.
  20. The Legend of Zelda turns 25

    I wore my awesome Tri Force T-Shirt to commemorate the day. My favourite entry is Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask at a tie I think. Both so awesome in there own right. But still, A Link To The Past has a special place in my heart. Grats to the series! Was hoping Nintendo would have said something to celebrate, or give us the 2011 Zelda dates
  21. 3DS Console Discussion

    I still don't know what colour I want. I thought i'd know once I got hands on since I thought the blue was actually nice. But nope Also, in a twist of awesome news, GAME now have the 3DS for pre-order at £196.99!
  22. 3DS Console Discussion

    The joystick is awesome, thought it worked amazingly well. Good precision and so easy and natural to move your characters.
  23. 3DS Console Discussion

    It's funny. The console i'm most looking forward to so far, and not a single game to share the hype with. Feels weird.
  24. 3DS Console Discussion

    Wireless router you'll need. Or if they're still available, a Nintendo USB adapter that you stick in PC or Laptop to get online.
  25. 3DS Console Discussion

    Well, time to avoid all the details on the new AR cards. Not spoiling anything till I play it for myself.