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  1. This is my second full mesh I've done. I'm trying to find time to rig and texture her, but I'm way too busy atmo... http://mbnet.fi/zenbie/taide/gurlievalmis.jpg Program used, surprise surprise, Blender3D
  2. Holy shit what was with that HAT!? XD Refreshing. Lordi FTW!
  3. I do not I do not... XP
  4. The absolute best part in Sonic Rush was not the main game mode, but the time trial you unlocked after. Perfecting your routes and timing, I could spend hours squeezing every one hundreth of a second on every track... Watching the gameplay, the game is just that: getting to the end as fast and flawlessly as possible. And that makes me happy. People were moaning for alternative routes, but even in that video you can see a door closing before Sonic because the player wasn't fast enough to reach it.
  5. There's some off-screen footage in that IGN link: http://media.revolution.ign.com/media/800/800277/vids_1.html Looks like some serious fun. I've only played Sonic2 and Sonic Rush, but this looks like something to look forward to!
  6. Not being an English native speaker has it perks. I keep thinking it as "Nintendo Wheee!", and we joked about them renaming their next console "Nintendo Wo-hoo!"... For Nintendo to go and expand the market, they need to expand their image. People don't think about "Apple music player": it's just iPod. Just like the new market won't think of it "Nintendo game machine": it's just Wii. Problem with Revolution is that it connotates power and strength, things that it is not. Wii connotates, among other things, fun and simplicity. Wii is a fun name. And that animation at Nintendo.com would make a killer power-screen! XD
  7. Naw, I doubt it will happen. Brain Age has the mechanics and user-friendliness of a DS game. Putting the game on the Revo would be just silly. I can't see the game happening without a writing pad. And when you think about playing something like this on a stationary TV set or a portable handheld console... For this kind of game, handheld is king.
  8. I don't get it. What is a light saber game except Red Steel minus the gunfights plus a worn out IP? :P I'll take my samurai swords with shotguns, thankyaverymuch!
  9. Me, personally, I got a bit worried when I noticed that the two "screens" had the two exact same characters standing in the exact same poses... And when I think that the first revo screenshots are from a pachinko lobby, I can't help but feel a bit doubt. I'll see in a few days if these scans still stand.
  10. April's fool, deffo... Like, the project lead for the next Zelda game talking to... Who was it again? Right, some hc zelda fan with a fanzine. Rest easy, zeldafan2020... But if you still insist pushing this, I have no choice but to suspect you're making all this noice for a purpose. Maybe you're part of the scham... o_o (Hookay, been playing Phoenix Wright a bit too much...!
  11. Apparently the person who posted this at GameFaq's is known for making up articles to stir up attention. So I wouldn't get too excited.
  12. Wired News actually listed this title as "vaporware"... LoZ:Forever! XD
  13. You can't do much better than WindWaker. That game set my standards so high for Ganon.
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