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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. BWii: Batallion Wars 2

    This game is not online only...
  2. Should there be an OOT remake?

    No. They are busy working on a decent new game. Move on, okay? As if every Zelda wasn't a remake of the first anyway.
  3. I am a Wii Noob

    Aww. 10 clhaewjhgoueghfw's
  4. Celebrity Big Brother

    What happened to 3 strikes and you're out? I watched 10 minutes while I was reading GameCentral- I doubt i'll be doing that again. Beastiality is legal in Washington state as long as the animal is not harmed.
  5. Guitar Hero for 360.

    G@mer points. 360 is just trying to diversify itself a bit as quickly as possible. It's in danger of being known as FPS/racer/sports console.
  6. annoying words or phrases!

    Is that the origin? Because I know North Essex is like 99% white, I have no idea how it got here.. maybe it's that ChannelU which causes so much trouble.
  7. Guitar Hero for 360.

    MTV acquisition for the win. Probably wont get a Wii version though, even if it sells XX million units. MTV's main aim is to use it's industry contacts to get the songs (new and old) and extend that product to the teenage market that watch MTV. Wii owners aren't in the teenage demographic (in the long run) unfortunately.
  8. annoying words or phrases!

    Go to sleep now, and drink Red Bull when you wake.
  9. annoying words or phrases!

    Yeah it's certainly been filtered out by slang with phrase such as absolutely, for sure, totally (maybe a bit 80s?) But I don't think it's a posh word as such- when people say it to me, i'll almost scan it for lack of interest, it's the kind of thing you'll say to acknowledge them but not respect it. Which I suppose is kinda condescending. I certainly see where you're coming from with that. But when I imagine a working class person saying indeed it doesn't seem out of place. "absolutely mate" sounds assuring and flows "indeed mate" it feels a little out of place and lacks that flow Where's Ned Flanders when you need him?
  10. Boy Copys Saddam's Execution

    Check your PMs.
  11. annoying words or phrases!

    Since when has indeed been a posh word? Jesus fucking christ.
  12. annoying words or phrases!

    In Essex it is more of a Blllrrrrruht bluht bluht The first is always the longest then it goes into a more pulsey bluht bluht
  13. annoying words or phrases!

    The War Against Terror I don't quite see the point of this thread- if you are the kind of person who hears or reads something, and then thinks- "Hey, that's annoying". Then why would you want to start or read a thread that consolidates other things that might annoy you? It can only annoy you more so, it's like you're torturing yourself.
  14. Celebrity Big Brother

    My prediction.
  15. Boy Copys Saddam's Execution

    Depends, are you a muslim?
  16. Post Your Purchases

    Consumerism at it's best. The product- defines you. Yesterday I went to the library and got out Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure.
  17. God bless GNVQ acting [NSFW]

    Without them, we would have no amatuer porn stars to make such videos. Super laggy because this is the most popular thing on the internet at the moment. http://www.pixelfish.com/production/videoaces/wii_sex.mov YouTube link as and when it happens. I suppose if we're gonna make this thread worthy there has to be some discussion point- namely the cultural phenomenon Wii has become in various forms of media. Reggie makes live webcasts like Steve Jobs does when a new iPod launches. South Park has parodied the system launch. There have been various parodies on websites like YouTube and now porn.
  18. The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    The dungeons weren't rushed, the inbetween story was- there wasn't the same cohesion that other Zelda games have. I like the little nods they've given to a series of other games- the music in many places reminds me of Final Fantasy VII and VIII- the underwater boss was a leaf out of Shadow of the Colossus. I've noticed some little architectural things that remind me of Final Fantasy X- and I've picked up on a couple of references to movies even.
  19. God bless GNVQ acting [NSFW]

    Where did it go?
  20. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    June 2007 confirmed. Lock on optional confirmed.
  21. Power Consumption?

    No, but one thing that worries me is the level of heat given off when WiiConnect24 is put on in standby mode. For those of you who don't know heat energy is the biggest loss of energy in all consumer electronics- light, sound and kinetics are pretty insignificant in standby. Iwata was basically lying. I think it is using more energy than it is worth. You might be able to try one of the energy ratings councils. The EU is pretty shit hot with such regulations so try them.
  22. Boy Copys Saddam's Execution

    Because YouTube applauds this kind of behaviour.
  23. Happy Birthday to the mighty Nintendork!

    QFT.......... Ahahahaha thanks.
  24. Hahaha I can imagine Nintendo saying something like, well this is a big update so there's only one game. Here's Street Fighter for the SNES, enjoy.