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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. I accidentally turned my Xbox off with my foot at about quarter to 12, so I logged back on and sent a blizzard of messages but I had a feeling that no one was actually watching the Lobby.


    So I hovered for half an hour, watching some independent Scottish film about mentals and little kids with minds of their own (is their any other type of independent Scottish film?) and went to bed.


    Ah sorry man, I wondered where you'd gone to. I use the same TV for PC and Xbox, so once we'd all settled down chatting I only checked back once to see if you'd gone when I stopped hearing from you.


    You missed me giving a wonderful live commentary of a Mario Kart Grand Prix against Jordan, Dom and Dabookerman though. (I came first in every race, naturally).

  2. The beast looks much better in the trailer than he does in those pictures. I think the trailer looks great :) Anyone think Juggernaut ooked kinda puny though? Plus I think he had manboobs.


    I thought Juggernaut looked alright, it was always going to be difficult to make him look anything like he really should though.


    I'm more enthused about this film after seeing him though, him being my fave mutant.

  3. Hmm, this has been seen before. I'll keep the thread open incase people want to sample Bowser's tune.


    It's been seen before too, just a little while before the Underground one, so I thought I'd chuck that in here as well.

  4. This is Nintendo's way of combating the 360 launch i'll bet.


    In that case they could do with a bit more than three or four pics and a couple of paragraphs of text.


    But I take a lot of convincing, so it'll probably be just fine.


    Edit: Sorry, there's also the video of people looking like loons.

  5. What could have been more fun is if someone named one band/artist per post that hadn't been mentioned before or something. (They could all been kept in the first post perhaps in alphabetical order to make it easy for folks).


    But hey, no use crying over already named bands and artists.

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