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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. What really pisses me off is when black people call each other 'nigga' it is fine, but no other race can.


    Tell me about it. In an ideal world you'd be free to call them exactly what you feel like calling them.


    I get pissed off by people thinking bad of me when I want to use racial slurs too.

  2. Just skim reading through a bit Edge wrote about the film a couple of months ago, some of it may have changed....


    "Script toys with the characters and events of the games without being 100 per cent faithful".


    "Series composer turned producer Akira Yamoka has been enlisted to compose the film's score".


    Design work by a bloke that worked on Seven, creature design same person as Pitch Black and I, Robot.


    "Almost every character is a woman"


    "New character, Rose's husband played by Sean Bean"


    Full transcript of Roger Avary's interview can be found at http://www.edge.-online.com

  3. In my opinion it is better than lost.


    Now you're just talking silly. (Though I haven't actually watched it). I did see a lot of ads for it while I was in the States though.


    One of the best things on American TV is the intro to CSI Las Vegas (I think that's the name of the show). It's got the most ridiculous theme tune I've ever heard, and it seems to be setting the show up as some comedy crime solving thing, then you start watching it and they're all being deadly serious.

  4. what i dont understand is why immigrants come to england and tell us to take our lights down when its not their country. they should just respect christianity and be glad they can live here



    I'm certain most of them come here only to tell us things like that.

  5. I can assure you this country will not be muslim in 7 years have none of you seen star trek its set in the future and theres no arabs on there


    But Star Trek takes place mostly in space doesn't it? Not a UK of the future.


    Who's to say all the Arab folk aren't living in the UK and everyone else has been banished to space?

  6. I enjoyed the one with the tripods - was that number two?


    Nah, that was WOTW, I still think he was fantastic in TG, pretty good in RM too.


    The best thing about the Mission Impossible films for me has been Metallica's "I Disappear" from the soundtrack on II.

  7. It has always bugged me...

    Nintendo codenaming their CPU n GPU... its like... why bother if its a souped up Gamecube? Why even CAUSE the buzz that they do by giving them SPECIAL names.

    The CELL processor is supposed to be AMAZING! The name is fairly well known now... and so is the Broadway and Hollywood. But we no nothing about the last two, and when we do will it BE that great???


    You see, a simple part of my brain says "There MUST be something special about this, a clues in the names, yada yada" and I kind of hope there is, cause I like suprises but then again I am not really EXPECTING anything HUGE to come up...


    What do you guys think?


    IS there something big waiting to be revealed? Is there a clue in the names? Or is this just a case of souped up Cube chips with silly names???


    I've got to agree, building up hopes and dreams to a fantastical impossible level is the only way to go really.


    (I don't agree at all, how many times do Nintendo fans need to do this before they realise they're wasting their time?).

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