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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Some RAM so my PC can do stuff, though I've had it a month or so.

    Some lovely speakers so I can hear stuff.

    A Peep Show series 2 DVD so I can laugh at stuff.

    An Extras DVD for the above reason.

    Some vouchers, because my aunts and uncles and my own brother are too lazy and inconsiderate to buy actual presents and then are fool enough to get the vouchers for a shop 30 miles away from where I live!! (I love them all really).

    A Viz annual.


    That's mostly it.


    Oh and my cousin game me an epic bow in World of Warcraft, I can't use it for a few levels but it looks lovely, although I'm tempted to stick with guns, so he may get it back.


    For other people I ordered lots of DVDs and CDs off Play.com.

  2. i have LAN partys at my house like every 4 weeks so i get all my pals round about 8 of us and have 2 teams and play halo 2 all night but the thing is i am really good so whos team i am in they allways win so they decieded i was the best so it was me and my pal rob whos ok at the game and every on eles agenst us , we played slayer and me and my pal won easly so we played everyone vs me on slayer and i won 50 kills 18 deaths and they all betwwen them got 18 kills and i am not saying they are shit or anything most of the have halo 2 and xboxs but i just wipe the floor with them and i am getting live so i want to see if you people are better than me to give me some comp. bye <3 XxX


    I'd be more than happy to help out and see if you're that good against seven of us. (We're not having Jordan on our side).

  3. I wonder if right-wing Christians would be so against homosexuals if more of them knew Leonardo Da' Vinci, painter of the ceiling of the Cistine (is that spelt right?) chapel, was gay?


    You're getting your turtles mixed up, Mikey did the chapel.

  4. I prefer to shout really, really loudly.




    My phone is some O2 PAYG thing, about two or three years old. I only use it when I really really have to though. ... Like when I've run over some innocent pedestrian and I need an alibi and somewhere to stay. So I don't use all that much credit.


    (It's only ever happened twice).

  5. Isn't chicken little a little chicken who thinks the sky is falling, how the hell did they mak a film about that. or am i completly wrong and its just about some random chicken?


    Little chicken, thinks the sky is falling, everyone calls him a mental and he becomes an outcast.


    Things go crazy, turns out he wasn't quite such a mental and him and his friends save the day.


    A lot of animated films now have plenty of jokes in their for the adults too, this one doesn't really. It's just something for the kids to stare at for 90 mins.

  6. Actually, we have had to change. Quite frankly, i'm a little bit cheesed off. During a seminar, we were told words that we can and can't say. Examples of these being words like blackboard, brainstorm, and special needs. I come from a very multicultural area, and i've never heard anyone complaim about the word "blackboard".


    And what will happen if you dare utter the word "blackboard" infront of anyone do you reckon?


    Nothing at all.


    Keep your panties on everyone. (Except the ladies! ... Oh Offerman, how we miss you so).

  7. Oh the three shows I started watching in the 04 season I would say Lost is my least favourite. Veronica Mars is top, then DH. Lost does drag too much.


    Well, I don't like Veronica Mars, so there. I find it very cheesy and just silly.


    Now how do you feel, eh?!



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