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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Neil Patrick Harris?... Interesting.. I cannae remember Guy saying that, but a quick check on google later I'd have to agree, there is slight resemblence.


    He mentioned it while a few of us watched the film while voice chatting with each other over Xbox Live.

  2. This is how Halo 2 goes. I haven't experienced cheating in a hell of a long time. Out of curiosity, which playlist did the cheating occur on and what did they do?



    That must have been posted about 1 hour before that team cheated against us in 6 vs 6.

  3. You're going to have all the predators in here in a second, so be prepared for most unwanted advances across the board.


    Those cosplay pictures are very nice. It's always nice to see people are cosplaying people they resemble. I've seen too many awful cosplays in my time, something I sometimes have trouble forgetting as I try to sleep at night.


    As for the best one... post two. 1st and 6th. 6th really shows how well made the costume is.





    You're such a little sweetie Guy!

  4. Still I'm not addicted to them like I was WoW and they don't take £8.99 a month from me.


    Don't speak ill of WoW.


    £8.99 a month is nothing when I consider the number of hours I must be playing it.


    (My only addiction is WoW).

  5. 5 - Dabookerman marrying Adriana Lima. The ceremony was lovely, everyone looked great, it was just a shame Jordan had to spoil it all by getting drunk on a couple of pints and throwing up over that bridesmaid.


    4 - People being so excited about the Revoloution controller. It's the sort of thing one waits a lifetime to get excited about.


    3 - Offergate, never has forum drama been so entertaining.


    2 - Okay, a serious one this time, finally getting around to playing World of Warcraft. It's lovely.


    1 - My brother's wedding. Despite it being far too warm and having to wear a suit and all that rubbish.


    And even better than all that, spending my sixth anniversary with my lady friend. Though I'll probably have to marry her soon.

  6. I was hoping to be asleep by then, but some fools in the village thought they'd celebrate by letting off what sounded like about £5 worth of bangers.


    So I put the TV on and watched the fireworks on Beeb 1, very nice. ...Then I put WoW on and stayed up until 4 or 5.


    I watched Sky's re-run of the fireworks and they had one rubbish camera angle far too close, so if you try and catch the show watch the BBC version.

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