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About Xeal

  • Birthday 08/08/1985

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    Sydenham, Lewisham


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  1. You mean they still have wrestling on their shows. Smackdown has been so much better for a few months though.
  2. Backlash was great. I wasnt expecting too much from a couple of matches, but they were enjoyable. The God thing was surprisingly funny. I think Lillian Garcia Has been looking particularly lovely the past few months. Joey Styles going on a rant was fantastic. The only problem I had was him slapping Jerry then running away, but he did come back to make some valid points.
  3. My name is Armando Alejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrrrada!
  4. Rob Van Dam. One Night Stand. Money in the Bank.
  5. They really should have saved Rey winning the title until next year, because they have been milking Eddie's death far to much already. I do think he could make a decent champ though.
  6. I take them out of the burger then eat them. Love pickled onions.
  7. Not so much a theme, but i did like the opening of ReBoot. I suppose it was similar to farscape. Now and again is good. And if I had to pick between Sam and Pat..... Sam takes it.
  8. oooh jayce and the wheeled warriors. Watched it again last year, it wasn't as good as i remember. Theme is a classic though. i think rocks was the best naruto theme. although all listed here are good Thundercats is still the best.
  9. I have to say i cant really argue with any of these. Freakazoid is genius.his home base is the freaka-lair.... Cosby show was always good i thought. magnum p.i.
  10. Cant go wrong with star trek, or futurama. poirot. monk. wwe raw & smackdown. desmond's. cheers. fairly odd parents. i got so many i might just end up naming most shows i watch.
  11. angel's is good. better than buffy i think. thundercats is probably my fave.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ9_DP8SrXU&search=cosby%20dance
  13. burnt-face man and ultimate showdown are classics. oh, and I lasted 57.072 my 3rd try on red square. not the best though.
  14. youtube went down and now i cant watch onizuka at work
  15. All I want is the red one on launch. I need red!
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