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Everything posted by Fresh

  1. User Image Gallery

    Geeze, I didn't realise G Nev was that stacked. While he is not on the 50 Cent pumped with steroids levels he's not done a bad job for a footballer.
  2. Football Season 2009/2010

    What an absolute steal for Inter. I bet when Barca came forward with that offer they were just rubbing their hands.
  3. Football Season 2009/2010

    "Electric Vomit" is the only thing that come to my head when I look at that.
  4. Post Your Purchases

    Tum, Tum, Tum. SPEND. No money, CRY.
  5. Post Your Purchases

    Takeo, YEY! <3 But seriously, KKOB?
  6. BABY IVY IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations soag! Best wishes to you and the family! x
  7. What Makes NE, NE?

    Fresh. Fresh makes NE, NE. Aside from that I don't really have anything else to add aside from what most other people have said. Community... Blah..... People.... Blah.....
  8. Post your Cooking!

    Needs sour cream. :P
  9. Football Season 2009/2010

    What about Mr Milner? Impressed me when he has been playing on the right.
  10. If You Had Your Own Island?

    Simple, more men, less clothes (uniforms will be allowed), and a ton of baby oil. Fresh gets his freak on.
  11. Thanks, N-Europe Community!

    We're a family, with all the squabbling, bitching and moaning that comes with it. Then again, I know I for one wouldn't have it any other way. N-Europe forum and site has grown a lot in the past few years and from what I have seen you guys are in for some more great stuff soon, specifically mentioning X-Europe that I know Ashley has been working hard on for some time, so we can all put up nude pictures of ourselves.... or was I meant to keep that under-wraps. To 4 more years!
  12. Happy Birthday Fish! Always a pleasure!
  13. How was your day?

    Wasn't really too sure where to post this : Why has my facebook just recommended ex member Antony Shimmin to me as a friend? How the hell does facebook know that I go on N-europe. We don't even have one mutual friend. Facebook is taking over....
  14. Sexuality Thread

    I think, honestly, Bruno isn't really going to have too much effect on the stereotype. If the stereotype exists within someone I doubt it would get stronger or those that did not no about it embrace it more. Everyone who is going to watch it knows what Sacha is like and how he pushes the limit. The jokes he seems to be making are more at the situations than the character. Slightly off topic : Just saw an old crush in town while out. Still as cute as ever... Oh Fresh.
  15. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    Sig 8/10 - Certainly bold how ever sprites have never really grab me but I suppose that is non of your doing. Av 9/10 - I really like this and the size and shape really makes a change from the usual 100x100 box.
  16. Football Season 2009/2010

    I think it could end up being a great buy for United, after all we bought Sheringham when he was a bit older and he was great, winning everything.
  17. Football Season 2009/2010

    I honestly think getting Owen could be a very good deal for United, never thought there would be the day I saw this though.
  18. Sexuality Thread

    This thread really has gone such a long way from its humble beginnings. I remember being on MSN talking to Takeo encouraging him to start it, He thought it could turn into a bit of a flaming ground. What a breath of fresh air it has been an how now it is still so active. I wonder if i will ever get round to going another of these (second).
  19. User Image Gallery

    Rez.... That is just beautiful babe.
  20. Football Season 2009/2010

    Wouldn't mind someone like Fabiano, Owen is just.... he's just....... owen.
  21. Football Season 2009/2010

    The league kind of had a culture in it a few years ago where it would seem every high scoring player from Holland would would be just as successful here as they were there. Alves, "I will be better than Henry" Kezman, and so on. It's a big label to be called the next Ruud, pressure a player doesn't need. Huntelaar shouldn't be a Ruud Mk II, after all we've won 3 league titles and a CL without him.
  22. Football Season 2009/2010

    Only 2 left now on Real's list. Villa and Xabi Alonso. With Benzema and Valencia holding firm Villa looks unlikely however I could see them getting Alonso. They really do just piss me off, I'm not surprised Blatter and Platini havn't said anything. If it were an English team (or really any team other than Real) they would claim that team were ruining the game.
  23. Football Season 2009/2010

    Thing is though Benzema is 21, Tevez is 25. Of course Tevez always wants first team football, and he deserves it, however Benzema has the time on his side to blend and mould with the team. I think he can be a top player maybe one of the best in the world and I hope now he realizes United are the club to push him there. I've been looking at the stats as well flinks, here are some more quite interesting ones I've pulled off another forum: VALENCIA % RONALDO 81% PASS COMPLETION 82% just as good passing and will get better with the quality of our players 44% DRIBBLE COMPLETION 33% even in a weak team he has got a better dribble completion than ronaldo 59 CROSSES 26 attempted more crosses than ronaldo with a lot more success 33% CROSS COMPLETION 16% a much better cross completion than ronaldo 87 TACKLES 13 attempted 74 more tackles than ronaldo 67 INTERCEPTIONS 17 3 BLOCKED SHOTS 4 a much more team player 12 CLEARENCES 4 81% TACKLE COMPLETION 80% a better tackler and he tracks back aswell 29 GAMES 31 14 SHOTS 58 someone else will have a chance to shoot with valencia on the pitch 3 GOALS 18 not a great goal scorer but thats where rooney and berbatov will come in because of his crossing ability 21% SHOT TO GOAL RATIO 31% 4 ASSISTS 6 So, according to those stats above, it seems like Valenica definitely would be a decent winger for us! ^ I know anyone can look good on youtube however it's the best Valencia video out there to see what is coming.
  24. Football Season 2009/2010

    Welcome to the club Antonio, maybe not number 7 but the Benzema rumour mill is continuing and I suspect if we were to get him Sir Alex would give him the number.
  25. Football Season 2009/2010

    So Man City have put in a £25 million bid for Eto'o however to be honest I've expected more from them this summer. I thought they would be putting in ridiculous bids for every superstar. I suppose they will tie up the Tevez thing though.