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Magnus Peterson

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Everything posted by Magnus Peterson

  1. I don't have a double vote. Although, sometimes Magnus want's one thing, and Peterson another. Oh, those guys... I may have counted wrong initially - I tried not to. These threads aint easy to follow.
  2. Ah, OK. Then I am collection, too.
  3. @Yvonne Why the vote change? - I know I followed suit, but I've already admitted that I'm along for the ride. Then I had a look-see-back-through and can't fathom the change? Is Peeps no longer suspicious to you? Although, I would like to hear from Jon...
  4. Peeps had a vote of 5. I think the majority is 6, is it not? *It is. No majority reached. Now stands at: Peeps 3 Jon Dedede 2
  5. Change Vote: Jon Dedede Let's see some information, Mr. 'Business' man.
  6. I was along for the mob-ride. It's so refreshing to be on the other side! Are you suspicious of me?
  7. Peeps is Sporticus. *Sportacus.
  8. I can confirm that peeps is the fitness guy. Though it ain't motivator!
  9. I was successful. Found out another character, but will hold the information for now less it prove useful in the near future.
  10. Yes, you're correct Rummy. I did intend that last post for Mr.Dohnut.
  11. I have already spoken, @Cube. I said I wasn't successful, and that I found out the 'master detective' is Sherlock Holmes. Like Rummy, I want to hear from those who HAVE been silent.
  12. Vote: Cube then. Maybe chrome just aint firefox. You ever think of that?
  13. Cheers, Jimbob.
  14. @Cube I don't quite know how to embed a video as of yet, so ye must follow the link.
  15. I wasn't successful last night. Although I did find out that the 'master detective' is in fact Sherlock Homes. *Holmes
  16. I was right about the whole controlling thing! Although, if I didn't know I was town, even I would have suspected me of being the killer. I had my suspicions about a few - except bob! Well played, sir. How could anyone suspect a man named bob? - but without being able to gather information I had no evidence from myself, only hear-say from others. Also, spending so much time defending myself meant I was too afraid to push on anyone else. Sad as it might be, it may have been best for the town if I had been lynched early on! More information. Anyway, superb game. I had a lot of fun. Thanks Jimbob et al. Godbless and see you next time.
  17. ..............
  18. Same here. Vote: Dannyboy
  19. @Jon Dedede, no I targeted EEVIL MURRAY and MoggleViper last night; with the effect being me placing a note on EEVIL MURRAYS door. Although, as he stated, he didn't do anything last night, so might not have even seen it.
  20. I left him a memo on his door. Whereupon I found a note addressed to Yvonne, which I mailed to him.
  21. I came to the conclusion of controlling because I have no recollection of the incident. THOUGHT OCCURS! Have we not recently established, upon Jon's word, that there is a shape-shifting character by the name of MoogleViper? Could explain me being seen at the crime scene. Although, my character does drink a lot, as established.
  22. Two people claim to have seen me there, of whom I wasn't suspicious. My PM told me that I blacked out that night after going on a date with the navigation officer. I put forward a basic guess based on this information. This time, I only have your word that you saw me throw away a small piece of metal. I don't have any information in my PM about that. I also don't trust you. If that's difficult for you to comprehend, I don't think you should be playing a game of this complexity. I'd like to hear @Yvonne's information.
  23. I put forward the control thing as a suggestion, a possibility. I didn't have any leads on it and never claimed to, but I was seen by both Jon, and Rummy, of whom I had no suspicions. I haven't been placed at the crime scene by multiple people, this time. I only have your suspicious words. Who are you, @Sheikah? ...The navigation officer? *EDIT: I was seen by both Jon and Rummy **at the crime scene**
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