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Magnus Peterson

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Everything posted by Magnus Peterson

  1. Uneventful night for me.
  2. ...God can. NO LYNCH
  3. @DuD. I would be interested. Although, Jon Dedede and myself want to get ours up and running soon. Just need to work out some final nuances.
  4. I too, will play.
  5. If no-ones after Jimbob, the right honourable Jon Dedede and I would like to throw our collective hat into the game queue. We're planning a 'Mighty Boosh' themed mafia.
  6. Death hath befallen me. Eeuueuurghghhghkkkkk....
  7. You will regret this. I could have been useful.
  8. Sounds weak? I'm a femme fetale. That's my schtick.
  9. Players remaining alive, genius. Plus something to with winning factions - I can win with either if all on that side love me.
  10. @Jon Dedede, NO! I didn't. How stupid of me; I forgot. ...So, no. Not always at the bar.
  11. I just need people to fall in love with me, darling. All of them.
  12. @Jon Dedede, it seems that way so far.
  13. Yes, I did. If I had killed him, I probably wouldn't have. I am the lady in red. I am neutral. I am a seductress. I will make you fall in love with me. I cannot do this if you lynch my supple frame, though. If you continue with your misplaced lynching, I may have no choice but to unleash my magnificent bosom upon your frail, male eyes and you will succumb. You will succumb!! What did everyone else do last night?
  14. I'm a neutral, lady in red. I don't deserve to die. You seem eager to go ahead with this - surely there's more we could find out today, like, from people who haven't said much at all? Conspiracy or foolishness! Or some sort of conspiracy of foolishness! @Nintendohnut. Stalling!? Of course I'm stalling! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!! Also, Jimbob's mafia.
  15. Don't be hasty now.
  16. ...There's a second wallet!? That I did not know.
  17. It is already known. That's how I know it.
  18. marcamillian gave it to him. ...We may have to wait a while for marca' to show his face.
  19. Try to hold off a while, whilst we gather more information from people on last nights events.
  20. I contest the evaluation of my alignment. Some trickery afoot; someone making me look bad. I am not evil.
  21. I have nothing to do with the wallet.
  22. Well... 10char Almost, I guess. Not specifically for money.
  23. Well, not always the whole night.
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