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Everything posted by Dedede

  1. I've got no more info to add at the moment. I will say I don't think I'm a dumb cop, I don't think my role would work if it were reversed
  2. I won't comment on my role yet, but yes Marc targeted Jonnas.
  3. No I'm not an alignment investigator, it's a bit more random than that in terms what I might find out.
  4. So I got some info that Jonnas is Good and form what I gather that actually means he's bad. Vote: Jonnas
  5. Yeah I'm totally mafia.
  6. Vote: No Lynch
  7. Don't know I'm too late but would love to be in on this one
  8. With the test vote thing I just put it in because I assumed that was something people did if they intended to change their vote later without looking like they've flip-flopped on a stance. I'm still a bit new to this and I didn't get what it actually meant/was only something people did in jest...but yeah even counting that the majority hadn't been reached with my +1. I ran with it because I hadn't properly checked my role where the wording said my vote didn't count against other mafia members and I thought it applied to all mafia including myself. Anywho it's not something I'll run with in future games now
  9. Really enjoyed this game, thanks @mr\-paul for the help with my first game as Mafia.
  10. Don't do it Magnus Peterson! I'll give you a good deal on a hotel room: Get a third night free when you pay for two and a complimentary $10 Room Service gift certificate
  11. Lol, I guess I interpreted my PM wrong, Remove Vote:Jon Dedede
  12. The killer wasn't me! I was stuck in a hole again! If Nintendohnuts power claims are to be trusted my alignment investigation came back good! Is there possibly anyone else that can confirm this if Marc targeted me last night? Also a mafia is still out there, soneone took my vote away. Test Vote: Jon Dedede I can still be of use as protector.
  13. Certainly still in.
  14. I targeted Diageo but I ended up in a hole with the scientist. @Nintendohnut surely if I investigated as bad and you're not lying about your power I must be good?
  15. Fair enough, Vote Mr-Paul
  16. I'd like to hear if Mr-Paul has anything further to say before I vote for him.
  17. Sign me up chief
  18. Just realised I think I'm the last to declare, my character is Paul Robinson (some bloke from Neighbours).
  19. My PM for my role says you protect you target in your hotel.
  20. My PM just said my protection was successful. Mr Paul will know if there is anything more to it. I assumed that keeping people in a hotel would be like a jailkeeper. I guessed I could potential stop a kill which is why I was reluctant to mention it (but I suppose its getting quite late in the day now anyway) And yeah I haven't posted much because I've had sod all target success up until now.
  21. Sorry I'm a bit late. I successfully targeted Mr Paul. I can protect people in my hotel, I've done some reading on roles and I guess I'm a protector or a jailkeeper (or something similar).
  22. Yeah that was Rummy...is it normal to have 2? EDIT: sorry meant @DuD comment about alignment investigator
  23. @Jimbob It says in writeup that I couldn't reach my target. @DuD I'm reluctant to reveal my power as I'v stated previously until at least it works on someone but I will say that I targeted you because I trust you also.
  24. Unsuccessful again ffs! My target was DuD.
  25. I'm the Aussie
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