I have to say, when I mention these games I actually mean the whole damn franchise!! But since we can only name one game each....:
1. Super Metroid, SNES - Dunno how many times I've played each of the Metroid games over and over. Metroid II is the only one I haven't completed :-)
2. Legend of Zelda: OOT, N64 - Does anything more need to be said about these games?
3. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, GC - The best in the series for me, I just got it 2 weeks ago and I'm loving it. The others were great but this one is magical! Can't wait for FE:Revo!!
4. Super Mario Kart, SNES - The beginning of the franchise for me. Hence I love it more than any other!
5. Super Mario Brothers, NES - This is the game that actually turned me into a real gamer. Finally a real game with a proper goal, different looking worlds and actions (running, jumping, breaking, shooting, swimming...), great addictive music and powerups that lasted more than 5 seconds!!! If it hadn't been for you Mario, I don't know what I'd be!