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About Kotey

  • Birthday 10/31/1981

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  • Location
    Accra, Ghana
  • Occupation
    Electrical Engineer/IT Specialist


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo DS
  • Other Systems Owned
    Playstation 2, Playstation
  • Favourite Game?
    Super Metroid
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Samus Aran
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MK:DS: 137553-469146

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  1. It's about £63 higher than the Japanese price not just because of the taxes and import duties in the UK but also because Europe and US are getting the Wii bundled with a copy of Wii Sports. However, Japan is not getting any free games.
  2. I've a feeling it will be like the Onimusha/Devil May Cry games. Meaning you'll get to level up your weapons and armour for more powerful attacks as the game progresses. Project H.A.M.M.E.R. should be about as good as the above-mentioned games if they can add such RPG elements and keep the story and puzzles interesting. ('Cos personally I found Onimusha good but just too simple to complete)
  3. I still miss the wii jokes though. Pity they only lasted a couple of days. Does that mean that the name wasn't as terrible as we thought or ..... what? I found the jokes juvenile but funny! Someone pleeeaase just tell me one more wii joke!!
  4. Hey guys, could this news be true?
  5. Ok ok guys, I'll give Matt from IGN a break for now since we all don't know anything concrete about Nintendo's specs and plans at this time. Let's all wait patiently and see how things pan out. Maybe the Wii will either boast enough horsepower or come with enough pack-in games and add-ons to justify a $250 price-tag. Or else Nintendo will just play it safe and price it at $200, with or without add-ons. I still would like to point out however, that what really got me riled up about Matt's statements was that he sounded like he was dissing Nintendo and almost as if he knew all the facts. It's true that he needs to be objective as a journalist but that does not mean he should be negative to the point of being inflammatory.
  6. My main problem with Matt's statements is that he's making a lot of assumptions. The Xbox 360 Core Bundle will only be $50 more expensive than a $250-priced Wii if and only if Microsoft cuts the price of the Xbox 360 by a whopping $100!!! Now does he think they would do such a thing when they have the potential to shift so many units of the Xbox 360 console this Christmas with so many new games coming out for it? I should think not. $250 for a Wii is a fair price if you bear in mind that Nintendo also incurred a large amount of R & D costs in creating the Wii, just as Sony and Microsoft incurred huge costs in creating their consoles. And how dare he refer to the Wii as "Gamecube 1.5"??? This man is such a hypocrite! And an uninformed one at that!
  7. Take a look at this and tell me what you think of this guy: Can you believe the nerve of this bloke?
  8. I have to say, when I mention these games I actually mean the whole damn franchise!! But since we can only name one game each....: 1. Super Metroid, SNES - Dunno how many times I've played each of the Metroid games over and over. Metroid II is the only one I haven't completed :-) 2. Legend of Zelda: OOT, N64 - Does anything more need to be said about these games? 3. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, GC - The best in the series for me, I just got it 2 weeks ago and I'm loving it. The others were great but this one is magical! Can't wait for FE:Revo!! 4. Super Mario Kart, SNES - The beginning of the franchise for me. Hence I love it more than any other! 5. Super Mario Brothers, NES - This is the game that actually turned me into a real gamer. Finally a real game with a proper goal, different looking worlds and actions (running, jumping, breaking, shooting, swimming...), great addictive music and powerups that lasted more than 5 seconds!!! If it hadn't been for you Mario, I don't know what I'd be!
  9. OMG!! Funnee!! I'm loving them all like Bob Marley loved weed!! Keep 'em coming Sprout!
  10. Now that you've finished it you need to play all over again!! That's what you do to a game that's so addictive. I thoroughly enjoyed Fire Emblem 7 and 8 (though I don't own them) and I have spent a few hours on 4 and 5 but didn't get so far because of the language barrier. Finally, this weekend, my sis is gonna drop down from the US with my very own copy of FE: Path of Radiance!!! I can't wait!! It's been a long wait (the trouble with living in Africa) but it's been worth it. Think (Gladius x 2.5 x teH MEGATON!!11) = FE:PoR!!!!
  11. Check out this link for a great laff! http://gprime.net/video.php/nintendothemesacappella
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