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Posts posted by Ashley

  1. You should consult your doctor about that.


    It only happens on that one game (and a wee bit on Timesplitters 2 but nothing serious, its only after a big session and I think its because of the winding staircases). I found out its because humans have a 180 degree vision, games have 90 but HL2 only had 45 so my brain was like "AHHH!" and it made me illish.


    Although there are a few things I should go to the doctors for, but thats mainly due to a lack of sleep.

  2. When I bought HL2 the only conversation was "you can't return it cause you have to register it online" so I was like "okay". Shame really, as I can't play on it cause it makes me all dizzy and sick-feeling. Looked forward to that game for ages and can't play it.

  3. Was thinking today the "I got off the plane" moment is so sweet, a moment on friends where they don't ruin drama with dumb jokes.


    Random moments from several programs (cause I do love TV)



    Darth Willow - the whole three episodes

    "Things fall apart. They fall apart so hard. You can't ever put them back the way they were. You know, it takes time. You can't just ... have coffee and expect- There's just so much to work through. Trust has to be built again, on both sides ... You have to learn if ... if we're even the same people we were, if you can fit in each other's lives. It's a long... important process, and ... can we just skip it? Can-can you just be kissing me now?" Such a sweet moment, gotta love Tara and Willow.

    The exposition scene in Hush, its like spot the masturbation entendré.

    Innocence, just the whole damn episode. Also The Body, the whole damn episode.

    Buffy's speech in Chosen.



    Spike's rooftop parody in Into the Dark

    The death of Fred, so upsetting and tender.

    Cordy with long hair in S1, just looks so much better.

    Willow's appearance in S4, such a breath of fun air.


    Veronica Mars

    "Wanna know how I lost my virginity. So do I." That line really stood out for me.

    Veronica being told Keith isn't her father by Abel and the way she breaks down in her car.

    Aaron being stabbed in "An Echolls Family Christmas", watched it earlier and it almost bought me to tears, could be cause im all crazy emotional right now.

    The fact there are brothers called Dick and Beaver, and Charisma Carpenter plays their mom.

    Keith telling Veronica that he is 100% without a doubt her dad (paternity test results prove it).

    The whole damn last episode.


    Sex and the City

    The finale.

    Samantha's "As long as I can kneel and breathe through my nose" or whatever it was rant.

    Steve and Miranda getting back together in "The One."

    When Aiden suggests he and carry elope infront while they're in front of a fountain, such a beautifully shot scene.

    Where Carrie finds the post it from Burger, the way they shot her smacking the vase down is also beautiful.

    On-location shots in New York, just reminds me of the holiday.



    The season opener, but I think its more to do with its artistic beauty then its narrative one.

    Sun's flashbacks.

    "You all everybody!"


    Desperate Housewives

    All the Breeisms - "Rex cries when he ejaculates." The "Im not a fan [of the penis]" speech and "What am I supposed to say? My husband likes his nipples clamped, yippie?"



    The episode "Sliding Frasiers", so its a rip of Sliding Doors but I enjoy it.

    Niles tells Daphne he has fancied her for seven years.

    The dance in "Moon Dance".

  4. And people who go into these shops just for conversations with the staff are even more stupid, in my opinion.


    Hey I do that! (Well if I know the staff) although going into indie(pendent) record stores and chatting away about music and the like is a joy. Something everyone should do.

  5. Did there used to be a thread on this board about sig rules?


    On this forum's thread view page there is a "view threads from..." drop down menu, choose the beginning as its automatically a month.

  6. after seeing you mention it in every post, i thought i'd watch veronica mars today. sorry but it was not my cup of tea, and the token black guy was just shameful. suppose it just goes to show that one person's shit is another's treasure(i can't remember exactly how the saying goes :heh:)


    Its a show you need to watch all season, as you find out tidbits about Lilly Kane's murder. Hmm you watched the 12th episode which is... Clash of the Tritons. Which is okay from what I remember. Its a SoCal rich-kid town, hence the token black guy, in white episode he sees people playing hackeysack and says how its a sign of the white domination in the town (in a jokey sarcastic way, not a "this world is racist!" kinda way.)


    Anyway thanks for trying, at least you tried. :D

  7. As for the manager meeting, well, your obviously so well informed that you know stuff even the staff dont know.


    Im just saying what the manager was telling me, he may be lying I dunno. Why he would lie about something so random I dunno, but there we go. It was some event thing to prepare for Christmas, find out what'll be big this year and all that.


    And masaki86, the one in Kidderminster.

  8. I went to Gamestation and they said they would give me £26 for four "old" Gamecube games, went into game they said they would give me £15 and I showed them the note to be accepted and maybe get £30 :)


    BUT NO!


    They said(in a very monotone voice) "it's on screen thats what you get"


    Not like the good old days where EB games and Game used to compete for preowned games :(:(:(:(


    Thats cause Game are raking it in, they're the biggest computer game company in Europe and keep on earning money. Of course arrogance won't carry you forever but for now at least.


    There was a meeting recently for the managers and they had a competition and the winner got a HDTV and all kinds of shit, so clearly they have money to burn.

  9. Oh bloody hell. First off, theres a suggestion thread in the rules forum for stuff like this. Even if thats too taxing for you PM an admin. If you have a problem with a shop you don't sit in the middle of the shop shouting your complaints all over the place.


    Second of all its not lame, 15 bleeding characters for petes sake. Don't be so gorram taciturn then.


    Third of all, if everything that was lame on this forum was got rid of there may be less members.

  10. I admit I was a bit puzzled about whether to place this here or in the Import board, although thats meant to be import gaming. I dunno, I'll think about it.


    Anyway I want Lost Season One on DVD (R1, the whole R2-2 part thing is rubbish) and I want it for around £30ish and to be delivered before Saturday. PlayUSA are out of stock, movietyme would take too long and cd-wow and 101cd don't have it and thats all I can think of. Cheers.

  11. I've just started uni and I'm not happy at all. Basically, the uni is a pile of shite and I'm too good for it. I'm applying now for better unis next year as I know I can get in. Applying for Manchester (1st choice), Leeds (2nd choice), Lancaster, Nottingham and Liverpool. Done all the UCAS shite, just got to wait for a reference from my 6th form tutor.


    Sorry to hear that Tim, can't you transfer still?

  12. My local Game rocks, hence why I got a job there. I know several people who work there and went bowling with some staff last week. The manager even knows about the crazy shit that went on with Woolworths and doesn't mind. Looking forward to working there as of Monday 24th.

  13. It says that mac users will be laughed at. Not too friendly, and I find the whole anti-apple thing tiresome, as do many other users of the tech forum.


    Sorry didn't notice, just glanced earlier. Will change.


    And I also want the rep system back but ive wised up to the fact most users don't play nice.
