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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Rep Points Need to Go.

    Okay the reputation system is better because you are meant to give reputation points FOR GOOD QUALITY POSTS (even if that is "i like that pic you photoshopped") rather than just getting a high post count by spamming. I have said this many times in just over a week, IF THERE ARE (WERE) ANY CONCERNS OVER THE REPUTATION SYSTEM (abuse and the like) CONTACT ME AND I WILL LOOK INTO IT. Also there is a suggestions topic in the Rules section. My rep was at 20 because people had been giving rep for being helpful (which is the correct way to use it and thank you to those who did) and Fierce gave me some. As hes an admin he gives more points when he comments. I know many good forums where the rep system has worked fine, people do not abuse it and such, shame it had to be taken away becasue people are so arsey about little things like that. If you don't like the idea of not having a rep number just don't look, its not that big a deal. On a forum I go to I have over 900, but it doesn't make me feel superior or anything, just seems people here like judging themselves against others. Now to the pub. Hmph.
  2. Sony losing support & money?!

    Well I come from the old school type of essays (being educational ones) and I always feel no matter how strong your point you should represent the opposite view to show you have fully explored the idea/theory/whatever.
  3. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    7- Cute but over the file size limit, so I had to remove it. Should not be bigger than 50kb, it was 157.
  4. The LOST topic *spoilers*

    Finally watched a CD that came free with TV Guide while I was in NY. Trailer for S2 made me want to watch it more, curse Channel Four. Bright side, had "You All Everybody" on.
  5. Questions

    Yes, English please.
  6. Sony losing support & money?!

    No more arguing and bickering and such. And if you feel like you have been given negative karma for unjust reasons contact me. Anyway, its an interesting article but a bit one-sided. I don't know Sony's sitch but im sure they have some things to look forward to, and the article should have looked at the positive. Worse I see happening is PS3 comes out and people rush to buy it and it does well at launch, but then people dont buy many games and such, opting for another console or something.
  7. Questions

    Checked yours Ray and here is a rundown: At start: 10 points -1 +7 Which should equal 16 but you got 17 so don't moan :P
  8. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    Like the little pattern thing round the edge, although IMO it would look better if you cut off parts of the rest and made it a complete border. Still, inventinve use of "transparency" so... 8/10
  9. Suggestions

    Neg. It needs to be the code to automatically stop links being blue, its just coincidental that the link happens to be avatar-shaped. The avatars actually have an automatic 1pixel black border but it doesnt show on IE cause IE sucks.
  10. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    6- Seems a bit big without much reason. Plus the red background is kinda offputting. Zelda seems more of a green-sig kinda thing to me.
  11. The LOST topic *spoilers*

    Only other "Walt is special" thing I can think of is BGS, legally only in America. NOBODY POST LINKS TO DOWNLOADS!! Yeah once everyone's got a backstory they delve further into it/explain it more etc. Sometimes they're character defining ones (such as Jack and his dad) and some explain how they ended up on Oceanic 815. Sawyer's backstory is basically: A "confidence man" (as Sawyer refers to him) had an affair with his mother and took a lot of money from them (I think anyway) and his father found out. He then got really mad and shot his mom and himself (spoiler for another Sawyer-backstory ep) . Sawyer dedicated his life to find this man and give him this letter (I'd imagine thats much more threatening as a child cause it sounds lame to an adult). Then one day he found himself low on funds so he became a "confidence man." He turned into the man he was hunting, hence why he goes by Sawyer. The next story about Sawyer is good, it gives some good reasoning on why hes so fucked up. Anyway been watching some of the featurettes and such. The ones about story/character devolpment were a treat for me because I like that kind of thing.
  12. Digital Video Camera!

    Moved to tech because its more to do with technical stuff. Good luck with your camera find.
  13. Questions

    richard are you sure you want to delete your account, cause I can do that for you. Moria, who was the person. I've checked all Karma you have left and the comments have been positive, but it doesnt tell you if it was positive or negative feedback if that makes sense.
  14. The LOST topic *spoilers*

    Tphi is the big spoiler
  15. Revo-Europe Steam Skin

    Hmm well Lammie designed the site so you can ask him if he can you the logo and such without you having to cut it all out. But then its up to him so dont go saying I said you could.
  16. Suggestions

    No I know that, its cause its linked. Mines a blank at the moment, trying to remember the code to stop it automatically making links blue.
  17. Suggestions

    I've cranked up the thread titles from "1,2,3, more" to "1,2,3,4,5 more" because as FL said most threads dont pass that. I know there are a few topics that do but they tend to reach dozens of pages so we can't accomodate for those. Stops having thread titles that take up a lot of room because all page numbers from 1-60odd are included like on Xsorbit. At present its on 30 threads per page. On days in which I've only come on once there have been times when not every thread has a new reply, so I think they should stay. Moria to clear things up, do you mean have a board just for you and friends or something. Whereby you pay to get in and chat about "what you want" (but is still subject to moderation ) or something else? Oh and the blue outline on avatars is because of IE. Ill look into changing it.
  18. Hit or Miss - Vote Now! (BBC webvote)

    I find it amusing that theres a pic of an Xbox 360 and a link to its own news story half way down a story on the Revolution. The xbox 360 is mentioned in a small paragraph at the bottom but theres another pic near it where it could have gone.
  19. Happy Birthday Davidredge!

    Happy birthday, you share a birthday with my friend. Anywho I'll give you karma when you pop your head in the thread.
  20. Your daily pap'.

    Used to read the Metro cause, well, near on 2 hours of bus journey per day how could I not? Although by the end of the second year I ended up mostly flicking through then reading the star sign (dont believe in it, just read it cause). Now as I walk to college don't read one on a regular basis.
  21. Questions

    None are fixed, they were just thrown in place because they needed to be done. Any better suggestions?
  22. What magazines do you read?

    Nearest Borders to me is Birmingham though, which is 20ish miles. Good to know there, as I smell a Birmingham shopping trip in the new year.
  23. Questions

    Bah thats even more work. They're lame, but some needed to be made. So without further ado: 0-49 - New Member 50-199 - Settled In 200-499 - Regular 500-999 - Frequent Poster 1000+ - R-E Forums Groupie
  24. Questions

    Same as the old boards, the landmark posts are: 0 50 200 500 1000 So you need 118 posts more.
  25. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    6- Seems a bit big for no obvious reason and I have no idea whats going on sorry. Mines not the best I've ever made, but needed a Veronica Mars signature.