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About Beano

  • Birthday July 28

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  • Interests
    Stuff you know? Things.
  • Occupation
    Samurai / X-Wing pilot


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    G&W / GC / GBM / DS / DS Lite / Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC / Xbox 360
  • Favourite Game?
    Metroid Prime / Civilization 2
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Het spijt me maar ik weet het niet.
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  • Wii Console Number
    6889 4467 5972 2826
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  1. Based on what I have seen in the clips I can't agree with the remark about the 3d-parts. I'd say that that part actually looks really cool.
  2. I have both and love both. They complement each other brilliantly.
  3. Well, the clocks went forward for us in continental Europe too so I would imagine that the new releases would be out at exactly the same time as last week. Oh well: I'll wait another few minutes. edit: guess you guys where right. This weeks new releases are: - Dragon's Curse (Turbografx) - Punch-Out!! (NES) - The Legend of Mystical Ninja (SNES)
  4. Hmmm... so, this weeks game is "nothing"?
  5. I may be getting Kid Icarus but I am disappointed that we still don't have Lttp.
  6. It looks like little birdie was right: we have SMW, VIGILANTE and Zelda II in the VC.
  7. Getting both LTTP and SMW in one week would be a bit much. I don't think that NOE would want to release them in the same week and I don't think that I would be able to play both of them at the same time.
  8. I think it will be after midnight before the games appear. It was that way last week.
  9. My guess is that it is going to be Gradius, Soldier Blade and Street Fighter II this week. Those are the games that the US and Japan have that us Europeans don't have.
  10. People are getting the game that they deserve.
  11. The Gamecube was my first Nintendo-console so it's just relative 'new' games in my list. Despite the fact that I have played Zelda TWW and OoT (and am in the process of playing The Minish Cap) there's no Zelda in my list hahaha! 1. Metroid Prime (GC) The reason why I bought my GC. I had high expectations of this game and it surpased them by lightyears. Absolutely perfect. 2. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA) The best and most funny action RPG on a handheld I ever played. I started playing it and just couldn't stop. Actually: this 'sub-franchise' may have surpassed the games it was based on. 3. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GC) See nr. 2 but then for a console. 4. Advance Wars (GBA) The game that revived my love for strategy. Big, brilliant, and so much fun. Dual Strike is probably better and even more polished but this one started it all. 5. Mario Kart DS (DS) I played Double Dash and Super Circuit but this one is the ultimate kart-racer and the best handheld racer I know. The amount of gameplay in this game is immense and it's presentation is flawless. The online option also makes it a significant game in Nintendo's history.
  12. Every router usually has some sort of "reset" to get it back to its default settings. To get access to the admin-function you need to use that.
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