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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. We're headed for the drop as far as I'm concerned. We've won 6 of the first 30 or so games and I reckon we need to win three or four of the last 8 to stay up. Just can't see that happening. If we could play against the likes of Hull and Stoke like we did against Man U and Arsenal we'd be safe by now. We really should have sewn the game up on Saturday in the first 60 minutes when we were the better team.


    Oh well, Chelsea next :(

  2. Played this for an hour or so the other day and have to say I found it rather tedious in the same way Manhunt was - ie just walking along with someone saying "Kill that guy. Yeaaah, now kill these guys. Here are some guys, kill them. Now walk to the next area and kill these guys. There's some guys over there, kill them" and so on ad nauseum. The crap camera doesn't help much either.

  3. The Sunday Express (Or more specifically the Scottish Sunday Express) has officially won the race to the bottom by having a reporter befriend survivors of the Dunblane massacre on Facebook so that as soon as they hit 18 it could run a front page story about how they were shaming the memory of the tragedy by daring to be normal teenagers



    For instance, Stewart Weir— who was hit by a single bullet and watched in horror as his classmates died — makes rude gestures in pictures he posted on his Bebo site, and boasts of drunken nights out.


    More on the article (which has now strangely vanished from the Express site) http://www.thepickards.co.uk/index.php/200903/sunday-express-lashes-out-at-dunblane-survivors/


    On the plus side the Express is now being investigated by the IPCC for the story



    And someone's given the stupid bitch who wrote the article some of her own medicine


  4. [Just book me ref, I want a holiday

    Top ref reveals Prem stars cheat fans by getting booked deliberately to skive off games

    PREMIERSHIP stars are getting booked on purpose to miss matches and skive off, the News of the World reveals today.


    The astonishing betrayal of fans by prima donna players was exposed by top Premier League ref Steve Bennett. Last night the league’s bosses launched a probe and said: “We will be asking Bennett for an explanation.”





    Just metres away, colleagues Howard Webb and Mike Dean were singing Liverpool anthem You’ll Never Walk Alone
  5. The poster in making a blatantly unprovable statement, but that's not what I take direct issue with. I take issue with "So Join The Christian Party, And Enjoy Life." apparently if you're not a Christian you can't enjoy life? That's just plain dumb.


    The Christian Party is also a completely different animal to Christians in general. It's led by this utter pillock




    If you recognise the face it's because he's constantly whoring himself to the media and news channels as self appointed spokesman and rent-a-quote for the whole of Christianity and blaming anything and everything on weed, video games, atheism, liberals, Barack Obama, the European Union and particularly the gays. The last one being particularly ironic as he's made a fortune from writing gay anthems like "So Macho" You might have also seen him being a pillock on TVs "Make me a Christian."

  6. Why are people here actually inspecting wether or not the golliwog resembles the person in question!? Come on! In saying what she did, she just tried to be 'trendy', trying to bust a joke for shits and giggles... Albeit in an OTT and old skool manner.


    Because people were defending her by saying "Oh, it's not racist to say someone looks like such and such" as if she was calling him a gollywog because he had an uncanny resemblance to one and not just because he was a 'wog'.

  7. But whatever you say scientifically, due to the very nature of having faith, you're never going to be able to have an absolute answer. Surely?


    Same with anything you turn scientific method to - and that's one of the best things about science. You never go "Well, that's everything there is to know about molecules, we know everything about them for certain and we have an absolute answer as to what they are. Let's stop researching them and move onto the next subject." You have molecular theory, which is the best, testable theory about the little things which probably make up everything. But that doesn't mean molecular theory is an absolute fact, that it won't be amended or even completely discounted in future.


    Conversely, you have the opposite end of the spectrum which is "Wow, don't know how that works. God must have done it. Case closed."

  8. But then why is science dealing with something that isn't based in logic or fact? You can't use a logical argument against something that isn't based on logic.


    All I'm saying is it is a pointless statement.


    You can certainly use scientific method to theorise on such things.


    It always turns into an aggressive argument.



  9. Why even put a 'probably'?


    It just makes the statement limp. I always thought that was silly.


    Because science doesn't deal with dogmatic absolutes and never rules anythign out. If evidence comes along which supports a different theory, science changes its views. If evidence comes along which goes against religious dogma, religion changes or dismisses the evidence.


    David Attenborough gives them a double dose of beatdown.



    Telling the magazine that he was asked why he did not give “credit” to God, Attenborough added: “They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball.


    All things dull and ugly, All creatures short and squat,

    All things rude and nasty, The Lord God made the lot;

    Each little snake that poisons, Each little wasp that stings,

    He made their brutish venom, He made their horrid wings.

    All things sick and cancerous, All evil great and small,

    All things foul and dangerous, The Lord God made them all.

    Each nasty little hornet, Each beastly little squid.

    Who made the spikey urchin? Who made the sharks? He did.

    All things scabbed and ulcerous, All pox both great and small.

    Putrid, foul and gangrenous, The Lord God made them all.

    -- Monty Python's Flying Circus

  10. I think it was a popular form of entertainment in America 1800's to about the early 1900's with white people dressed up with black faces and they did dancing. Though I think it survived into the 1960's it was then cut out when of course new laws where introduced and such.


    Don't think it was outlawed, more like in post-slavery America people were slightly uncomfortable watching white guys with blacked up faces and huge painted-on lips dancing round shouting "Ooooohh lawdy boss, I be da funny negro! Oh been dem workin' dem feilds yes siree, an now ahma do mah funny negro dance for da white mamas and eat me some watermelon, mmm-hmmmm!"



    Minstrel shows lampooned black people in various ways: as ignorant, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, joyous, and musical.
  11. Usually public enemy number one for Newcastle fans, biased mackem hack Loise Taylor has amazingly managed to write a fantastically accurate article about us for once.


    No apologising for Allardyce's abysmal tenure at Newcastle

    With Sam Allardyce hosting his old club this weekend there is a tendency to rewrite history - don't be fooled, his time at St James' Park was an utter disaster


    The bit about the Cryochamber he bought at Bolton is particularly crackers.

  12. Well, we got tonked today (although by rights it should have been 2-2 at half time)


    At least our fans did us proud though, the scousers were absolutely embarrassing and got the pissed ripped out of them non-stop for how pathetic their support was. I'd say it was just cos they expected to beat us so it was no big deal, but Man U twat us every season and get behind their team and sing their hearts out for 90 minutes whereas there was barely a peep out of Liverpool for the entire game, even when they were wining 5-1.

  13. The money ends up in Sony's pockets, but it goes nowhere near Cowell.


    Really? Where does Simon Cowell's paycheck come from? You might as well stick it to Malcom Glazer due to the fact you don't like the new Man U home kit by getting everyone to buy the away kit. The better Sony BMG do, the better Cowell does and the bigger his personal fortune - epecially if Sony's increased profits come as a direct result of his actions.

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