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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. But then isn't it possible for a democratically elected party to do away with the democracy and make Britain a dictatorship?


    I'm pretty sure that there are certain things that politicians aren't allowed to do.


    There are already Islamist political groups which are banned in the UK, including Al-Ghurabaa and the "Saved Sect". If the BNP were in power, I've little doubt that list would be extended, almost certainly to Hizb ut Tahrir who have been on the brink of being outlawed for the past few years. So if you're not allowed to want to ban the BNP, are the BNP not allowed to want to ban other groups and parties? If so, how come the BNP can push to ban things, but people against the BNP can't push to ban them? If not, are you not just as guilty of fighting against "free speech" and "democracy" by suggesting the BNP should not be allowed to campaign on whichever policies they please?

  2. i can't see anyone here saying they should be banned. Some people seem to think "Free Speech" means people have the right to be horrible disgusting bigots but then people don't have the right to call them horrible disgusting bigots.

  3. Sounds like a typical irish stereotype lol. Was the same when newcastle got beat by sunderland. (or was it the FA cup final?) they trashed newcastle WTF lol.


    A phonebox on the Bigg Market got smashed and photographed the Saturday night after we failed to win the league. Phone boxes get smashed in the Bigg market every Saturday night, just like in any other major town. When we beat the mackems 4-1 at the Stadium of Light they smashed up their own bus stops on the way from the ground, but it didn't make the papers, although Sunderland barely make the local papers at the best of times ;)


    Just goes to show what utter vermin the far left are.


    Oh noes, someone threw an egg at a politician. Why can't they play nice like the far right on their peaceful "March for England", where they attacked police and, smashed up asian-owned shops and kicked fuck out of anyone who looked slightly dusky?




    Was it also an affront to democracy when Prescott had that egg thrown at him, or when Fathers 4 Justice threw flour at Tony Blair?


    Anyroad, you'd think the BNP's mix of far-right social policies and far-left economic policies would make them unappealing to all but a select number of schizophrenics but I very much doubt 99% of the people who voted for them know the first thing about their actual manifesto.

  4. Only the prejudice is actually there.


    Rubbish, it's not always there. There are people who cry "It's because I'm whiiiiite" "Waaaah, anti white racism!" "Anti man sexism!" "Anti christian bigotry!" when they don't get their own way just like there are sections of any demographic with a victim complex. Main difference is when those groups do it you're not allowed to call it "political correctness."

  5. Unless your a white british, straight, male, christian then its ok people can do what the fuck they like to you then.


    Except there are people, including the BNP, who see anti-white racism anywhere and everywhere they go, and Christians who are just as determined to see imagined prejudice against them around every corner just as much as any other faith.

  6. So free speech doesn't cover where you can say what you want?


    I did not know that.


    Free speech doesn't mean people have to let you in their country if they don't want to, no. It doesn't mean you can start giving a political speech in the midde of a movie. It doesn't mean you can sing Day Light Come and I Wanna go Home in a library. It doesn't mean you must be allowed on the six o'clock news to give your opinion on Exitebots. The government of a country have the freedom speech to say "You're not welcome" and they have the right to say who can and cannot enter their country. If I knock on your door and say "Hi, you're a cunt and your mum's fat. Can I come in?" you're not infringing my right to free speech by telling me to fuck off. There's a huge portion of the world not allowed to enter Britain, is their free speech all being oppressed?


    EDIT: You see this happening on a smaller scale on messageboards. People start shouting "free speech" as if it means they have a god given right to join a message board, post porn and warez, flame users, make off-topic posts about how Jews control the world in the wi-fi section and the people who run the board don't have the right to exclude them from their community.

  7. The people on the list of folk not permtited to enter the UK because they are considered to be inciting hatred and violence are not being "censored" nor are they having their freedom of speech taken away. They are free to say whatever they like, and indeed they do. You can see them ranting, raving and being variously neo-nazis, islamophobes, islamic fundimentalist women haters and what have you all over the internet and indeed in British publicans, even more so since that list was published. Every country has the right to decide who it will and will not let past it's borders, and these folks sense of entitlement doesn't change that at all. Micheal Savage was threatening to sue Jacqui Smith over the list, although how he would do that without being in the country was a mystery he didn't resolve.


    People starving in Africa should just deny the holocaust, then we'd have to invite them all over for a cup of tea, a slice of cake and a nice sit down to discuss why they feel that way.

  8. Stormfront is possibly the original internet hate site and it's been around forever, They're probably more experienced in dealing with board invasions than anyone else on the internet. The founder and admin of the Stormfront board is on that "Top ten list of people banned from Britain" that the government released recently.

  9. Congratulations to non-voters in the North West who showed their displeasure at the expenses system by staying home or spoiling their ballot papers, letting the BNP get in even though they got less votes than they did last time. Here's your MEP you thick cunts, nice protest.


  10. What are your views on Cardiff then?


    They're our European trip next year.


    Be interested to see what our attendances are in the Championship, might help put a few myths to bed. People claim our "loyalty" is rubbish because of our sub 20,000 attendances post-war in the second division, but you have to put that into context. A number I've seen put about in the media a fair bit when claiming we don't show up when the chips are down is that we had an average gate of 16,879 in the 1990 season, but in context that was quite respectable. We were struggling in divison 2 (finishing 11th) and few teams in the second tier bettered it - only Sheff Wed and West Ham (both promoted) and Boro (who reached the play off). It was higher than seven top flight sides, Derby, Norwich, Southampton, Coventry, Q.P.R., Luton and Wimbledon. Our post war seasons in the second division were during some dark days for attendances in English football. Yes, that season we had our lowest point of under 17,000 but Crystal Palace had the third highest gates in the country (behind Liverpool and Arsenal) with about 19,500.

  11. Don't remember this guy being kicked out of the party. You know those gas chambers that killed the Jews in Nazi Germany? Lies apparently.



    I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also also once held that the Earth was flat... I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."


    Of course now he's found an easier target he wants everyone to forget all of this stuff. In fact he calls people who bring up his holocaust denial quotes "facists" for doing so.


    Funny that last night's party political broadcast was all Nick Griffin talking about all this "the brave brits who fought the krauts" when he's previously dismissed their justification as "Allied propaganda"

  12. Made me chuckle


    Thought that was pretty sad, why the fuck do they care? If we'd just relegated villa dont think we would have bothered with banners or anything, seems like a lot of trouble to mock a "small club" who aren't even local rivals when they could have made banners supporting their own lot instead.


    Any road, the fans did us proud yesterday, singing non-stop from start to finish. I was sitting 2 rows behind the lads with the black and white coffin.

  13. As a precedent in the whole fielding weakened teams on the last day of the season...



    1924: Villa thrashed Newcastle United five days before the sides were due to meet in the FA Cup Final at Wembley. Newcastle were subsequently fined £750 for fielding a considerably weakened side.


    Worked though, we won the cup 2-0.


    Any road, I dunno which would be worse from a North East perspective, a first team coasting through the game and trying to avoid injury or a second string going all out to prove themselves.

  14. Another Excite Truck would have been as boring as hell, the style and fun of this game is absolutely fantastic and I hope they make another. In fact, I hope they turn Zelda into a robotic animal for his next game as well. ;)


    Seriously though, the IGN reviewer was spot on when he said this game was purely video-gamey in terms of not needing a convaluted story or whatever. This game has its roots in the era of 8 and 16 bit games where it didn't need to make sense that there was a plumber jumping on turtles in the mushroom kingdom or bubble blowing dragons. It was a video game without pretentions of being anything more. So ideologically it harks back before what I considered at the time to be the first wave of casual gamers durign the PSX era, when kids who'd previously been into football or whatever and not thought twice about games started being marketed po-faced serious racing games and war games which even peole's dads started playing. I'd much prefer the manual intro for this game to be "There are racing robot animals, deal with it and get as many points as possible" than some pathetic story about how you're a Vin Disel alike out for revenge for his dead father through a racing tournament, pursued by a secret conspiracy or something. That kind of stuff came along when games had to try and be more than just games, they had to pretend to be a film or a novel or something as well. If the Excitebots franchise had started as-is on the NES and SNES no-one would be questioning it. Just like if Super Mario Galaxy was the first in the series people would eb saying "WTF, magical mushroom kingdom, princess peach? Fucking hell nintendo, stop all this childish shit you're doing to try and appeal to casual gamers and hurry up and give us another exitebots."


    I hate the terms hardcore and casual, but if pressed I'd go as far as to say Excitebots is the most hardcore game released on any platform for quite a while.

  15. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/article2438309.ece


    MANCHESTER UNITED were last night sensationally warned: Play a weakened side against Hull and we’ll sue you.


    Relegation-haunted Newcastle, Middlesbrough and Sunderland fear Alex Ferguson will rest his stars against Hull on Sunday ahead of Wednesday’s Champions League final against Barcelona.


    If Hull win they will stay up — and send two of the three North East clubs down, costing them £30million apiece in lost revenue.


    Paragraph E20 of Premier League rules states: “In every league match each participating club should field a full strength team.”


    No club has ever been cited for breaching the rule. But officials from Newcastle, Boro and Sunderland have discussed taking action if United send out a shadow side in the final game of the season.


    A source close to the talks told SunSport: “United have every right to think of themselves but that shouldn’t be to the detriment of others.


    “If they field a reserve team at Hull who then win and stay up, then the consequences for two of the three North East clubs will be dire.


    “No one is looking for a favour, just a level playing field. And if the rules are not adhered to there are means of recourse.”


    If found guilty of breaching rules, United could face anything from a warning to a big fine.


    They would also be open to legal action from any relegated club for compensation.


    A Premier League spokesman said: “We are aware of this situation and we will be monitoring all matches on the final day of the season.”


    To be fair we've probably been in breach of that rule for most of this season.

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