Virtual Fishing
JP release: 6th October 1995
NA release: N/A
Developer: Locomotive
Publisher: Pack-In-Video
Due to the colour scheme, a lot of games on the Virtual Boy went for a more sci-fi theme, and Virtual Fishing is a good example as to why. The lovely river and lake views just look really odd in the Virtual Boy colour scheme, and it’s not a look that the Virtual Boy can salvage. This fishing game is also quite simple: cast your line, reel it in then press R when it bends to hook a fish.
Then it’s just a case of reeling it in when it’s not swimming away from you. Once you figure it out, you’ll have no issues caching fish. Functionally, it’s fine, but Virtual Fishing really feels like a minigame that should be part of something else.
Remake or remaster?
Not for this one.