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Nintendo may have lost out to Xbox and PlayStation in recent years, but now it’s out to reclaim the space under your telly. Put simply, this is the most innovative games console ever. If you’re tired of playing all the same-old same-old games like Killing Zombies 6 and Driving Very Fast 9, you need to try it.



The Wii isn’t in the shops until December 8 – so there’s still time for Nintendo to come up with a name that isn’t pronounced “wee” – but we got our hands on an exclusive unit early.


The secret of the Wii’s magic is its unique controller. Nintendo calls it the Wii Remote, but we prefer Wii Wand or Wiimote. Whatever, the way you twist, turn, slash and thrust this simple-looking, motion-sensitive controller to manipulate the action onscreen is utterly enthralling. Add the second, “Nunchuck” controller in your other hand, and even more possibilities open up.


Wii Sports, with its pentathlon of popular sports, makes the best use of the controller. To play tennis, for example, you hold the controller like a racquet and hit the ball on the screen pretty much as you would if you were playing for real. The controller is just about sensitive enough to work out the angle and power of your shot, and with two of you playing against each other, it’s a blast.


When you tire of that, switch to boxing. The remote and ‘Nunchuck’ become your gloves, allowing you to repeatedly punch your opponent in the head. It’s not just a brutal slug-fest (unless you want it to be), as you can also keep your gloves up in defence, floating like a butterfly and stinging like a Wii when the moment’s right.


Some of the best titles are the short, sharp, silly ones – ideal for six pack-fuelled lads’ nights in, or post-pub Wii-ing. Take Warioware: Smooth Moves. The Wii Remote makes this the best incarnation ever of this long-running series of sub-game-packed party classics. Just make sure anything breakable in your lounge is well out of the way as you hula, fish, jump and, er, put a granny’s false teeth in with reckless abandon. Each task is more manic than the last, requiring you to learn new ways of holding and using the controller.


Graphically, the Wii suffers in comparison to the HD spectaculars on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But when you’re whirling your Wii Wand around to dispatch a row of foes in Zelda: Twilight Princess, you won’t give a flying one about polygon counts and progressive scanning. The graphics only let the Wii down on more traditional, realistic-looking games like Call of Duty 3, which simply works much better on Xbox 360.


What you lose in graphical ability, you make up for in sheer enjoyment when you buy a Wii. It’s not trying to be all things to all people, it’s a games machine. It’s tiny (handy if you need to hide it away from non-gaming partners!), and has no interest in managing your digital content. You want movies? Streaming? A huge hard disk? Then look elsewhere.


What you do get is the Virtual Console service, which lets you download old N64, SNES and Sega Mega Drive game such as Super Mario World and Castlevania. Fifteen will be available at launch, with more to be added each month, priced from £3 to £7. Thanks to built-in Wi-Fi, this and other online facilities should be easy to set up, although disappointingly, there will be no online multiplayer titles available until 2007.


If you’re jaded with gaming – or have never been into it – the Wii is for you. The graphics can’t compare to the PS3, and some of the launch titles will only just keep you going between now and when the triple-A titles arrive in early 2007. It’s around £245 cheaper than the PS3, it’s available in time for Christmas, the motion-sensitive controller is head and shoulders above Sony’s Johnny-come-lately, copycat effort, and above all, it’s simply more fun to play. Wii love it!





* Unique control system

* Fun, unusual games

* Compact size




* Some disappointing titles



Wii is the games console we’ve been waiting for. Demand one this Christmas!


TOTAL: 5 Stars (out of 5)



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