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Missing Ram


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I have just broken up my old PC and used the bits in my dads old computer now these are the same age and roughly the same specs, they both run the same type of ram, I put a 512 stick in and also a 128 stick but when I look at the system specs it shows up as only having 367mb of ram. I know these 2 sticks are working as in my old pc it showed up as 630mb of ram the built in graphics card took 8mb.


Is there anyway to to reslove this?

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Guest Jordan

Did you put the 512mb stick in slot 0 (the first slot) and the smaller stick behind it? It has to be largest amount first or you're bound to run into problems.

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i think so, when looking at the mobo head on, is slot 0 the one nearest the right hand side of the mobo?


at the moment both my comps are down and i using my bros laptop to writes this. I think i may have to beg to my parent to get me a new pc.

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Well... It depends on the chipset in they system. If you speaking about a system that uses SDRAM, your system may not support densities over 256MB per slot. Maybe ..by some alignment of the planets and the re-arrangement of socks, it is working but only using 128 plus 256, minus 16 for intergrated which yields 368 MB of RAM Available to the system. You also give the chips a swap around, as jordan mentioned..and see if you can get the 512 detected.



Read up on the chipset, and especially the BIOS if it had updates. Post any information that would be relivent.

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cheers for help guys, well the PC went down 2night and i had to format it. as long as its running i dont really mind if it is not using the most of the ram. as this will be come surplus in about a month when i buy my new one. so cheers for the help guys.

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Guest Jordan

Wow... Oli how old is that machine of yours? Even my P3 server can accept 512mb SDR sticks.


Hey Nukeblaze, haven't seen you around in a while. How are things? :)

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Hey Nukeblaze, haven't seen you around in a while. How are things?


Oh not too bad. Just installed Suse 10.1 and windows xp died...frail little creature it is. just got the newest NTFS driver that supports NTFS writting and am trying to get the wireless driver wrapper working.


On the windows side, formated, SP2ed it, installed Nforce 5.11, they sucked as they have a serious network problem that is still unresolved...Had to use driver cleaner to remove the files....My internet went down in a blaze of packet loss...Had to get internet working to download 5.10 Nforce drivers which are not crap on Nforce3 platforms... Found kaspersky antiviral and love it.



On E-mpire/Nnow side...trying to find time to post there and occosionally here.



On working side, one of head techs of Circuit city Pc center part time. Get people from best buy all the time asking about what geek squad messed up and blamed on the infamious and generally stated " 3rd party software" excuse... Argue with PC manager why norton AV / Macafee is a heaping pile of crap and should not be sold.


University side....working still on a rubium experiment for summer employment. Had to solder together a Voltage regulator for one of my sensors . The regulator is a 2mm by 2mm peice with 4 contacts per side. Not fun. So I screamed and moved on to observing laser constuct/destructive interferance with position in one of the other devices to attempt to get a stable wavelengh to excite the rubium atoms. Those lazy bastards are quite hard to exite...not enough motivation I suppose.




Oh...umm.. you?

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