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Taito has announced that they have 3 titles in the works for the Wii, and one of them turns out to be a sequel to a DS title that is on the way to the US. Cooking Mama for the DS is fairing very well in sales over in the land of the rising sun, enough so to get the title picked up for a US launch. It appears that Taito really believes in the new series, and are going full steam ahead with a Wii version of the game.


Good news, and a natural move really, seeing how the wand can be used to simulate hand movement. DS version fun thou it is, is too segmented and lacks flow so hopefully they are working on that.

Wonder what the other 2 games are? Do they have any strong series or licenses that could warrant a Wii release?


If im not mistaken they made Legend of Kage, which i spent many a quarter on at the arcades, id love to see an update

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