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Trauma Center: Second Opinion


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Same here. I'm still at Pandora's Box, I still have to bring myself to complete that mission. :p I was a bit side-tracked by Valkyrie Profile 2's release as well. Maybe I'll try today.


well i did actually beat the final level, i just have the special X levels to do (i think i have 4 left for each doctor... so 8)

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i know the recent posts have all been of the "i've just finished the game" flavour, but i just had to chip in and say that my girlfriend just bought this game. I've only played it for about half an hour, but its great.


So.. yeah. My opinion. A bit late to the table, but hopefully still valid! :smile:

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I was stuck on Pandora's Box (triti....) but once I cleared that one, I've been kind of breezing through the next operations. The game is not really that hard, except for a few select missions, like triti, which is probably the hardest.

Plus, I almost never use the healing touch. I simply don't remember it, and I've been clearing most levels without using it.

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Offcourse it's still valid. Your girlfriend just got you an amazing game and your opinion should be voiced. Hell I might play through it again and give my opinions as I go through it.


She bought it for her wii. Its really floating her boat. I think i will be borrowing from her at some point!

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