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I could have probably searched to find this out.. but whatever.




So where does Nintendo stand with Acclaim and Turok? and is there any chance at all that this will come to Wii?

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Didn't acclaim go bankrupt? I thought they sold off all their assets, so more than likely, this isn't acclaim.


*quick internet search*


The licence is now owned by Beuna Vista Games(part of Disney).


edit: x360 and PS3: If it looks this good, I'm buying it.



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nope i don't think it's coming. from the screen shots i have seen so far it looks nothing like turok except that it has some dino's in it.

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Bummer, well can be locked then.

Pity something as stupid as a publisher can decide what consoles get what games.


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Turok is a PS3 exclusive, pictures and info were released a few weeks ago;




Though the graphics are fantastic! I don't really like the sound of the game;

The new developers say they really wanted to take the series back to the style of the orginal N64 game;

however, you aren't a dinosaur hunter (as such)!


You crashland on an alien planet, inhabited by dinosaurs, the game is human vs. human and dinosaurs appear throughout the game to add some extra action.

For example; your in a fire fight and suddenly a T-Rex will appear and disrupt the action!

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