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Resident Evil = the most milked to death franchise!


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I'll be impressed if someone can name a gaming related series that's been more milked than RE has...

Seemingly, Capcom is interested in producing more remakes. Obvious choices would be Code: Veronica or of course, RE5. But even if these games help to bring them to a more modern audience (since I'm an old poppycock preacher, I suppose), they aren't really "new games" in my book. They also have a habit of changing stuff concerning the plot, or cutting out enemies. CV had toxic Hunter Betas called Sweepers, that patrolled Rockfort Island when Chris arrived to look for Claire. And with how Capcom stupidly omitted things in the prior remakes like crows and spiders, I just cannot see them being included. Sorry, but I can see it being a real half-baked mess. :confused:

I'd rather see RE9 in the next few years, as that's at least a new entry that takes the franchise ahead in time. Provided they 100% stop with the corny, fantasy tale bull crap that RE8 started, I'd be all for having something innovative. Oh my God, 'Lady D' was a joke and an embarrassment to the RE name alone, and the people who made those memes about her need to find a girlfriend. Seriously, because vampires shouldn't have been in RE to begin with. :angry:

But anyway, there's a lot of characters I want to see coming back in new storylines about viruses, rather than this nonsense to do with parasites, cyborgs or mould. Namely Billy Coen. He was only really in RE0 to serve as the supporting protagonist for Rebecca Chambers, but his fate since Raccoon City is not yet known. Then there's Sheva, Carlos, Barry, Natalia, Jill, etc. Although I did enjoy Jill's contribution in Death Island. She was certainly missed in all the years she only showed up in storylines that are essentially retellings. But that movie was quite enjoyable, even if Julia Voth's looks do not serve as the basis for Jill anymore.

They ought to continue the storyline from RE8 about the mysterious bioweapons showing up in the village at night, which either the lycans or Chris then went on to defeat. Yeah, that game is mostly a heap of stupid garbage, I know. But the Wolf Hound team and Chris were meant to fly to Europe to ask the BSAA about their use of clones, or whatever they are. So they should go with that storyline since it's getting interesting again, as opposed to always introducing this random crap in new games that barely makes any sense to me.

If they keep doing this time and time again without clearing up any of their previous plot threads, fans like me get tired of not knowing what to do to make it feel somewhat logical. Because the games just don't make sense anymore. But anyway, that's just my take on where things are with Capcom today. Y'all go have your fun. :cheeky:


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