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My view on Resident Evil Village is now more positive...

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I watched somebody trying out the latest demo last night, and I am very impressed by what I have seen. Unfortunately, the story makes no sense to me. The fact that Capcom treats Ethan as an avatar character is a bit meh too. But I do think this game is going to be very challenging, and horror heavy. Hopefully the story will begin making sense later on, as I feel that could be the weak link here. 

I do like the claustrophobic feel of the little village houses. I like how everything is dark. I didn't see Ethan using a flashlight, although he was exploring the area in the daylight. But man. Imagine what it's gonna be like after sunset with these beast things roaming around everywhere. They're not even easy to slay either. Like, I seen one take more than 6 handgun bullets and it kept charging at Ethan. So yeah. This is definitely survival horror on fine form. You also have to find scrap to make things, and it doesn't appear that bullets are in plentiful amounts at all. Well, I like that. Because I like that you're forced to make everything count. It was honestly ridiculous playing trash like RE6, where all you did was shoot and do lame QTE sequences over and over again. There was no survival horror to those sequels at all. This RE8 though, is how RE should be. 

Again, I haven't gotten too on board with the first person viewpoint, but I think it suits this game so much. The fact you cannot really see what's behind you with your limited resources makes it so intensely creepy. 

At first, I was concerned this would be like RE4 with werewolves, instead of the farmers infected with the parasites. But this looks better than RE4 ever was. :)

Are you going to download the demo later on today? 

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