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Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon (Mobile/PC/PS4/PSVita)


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magine you’re riding the bus and playing a great game on your PS Vita. The bus drives into a rain cloud, and… can that be? Now it’s raining inside the game! Later at home, thanks to the one-two punch of Cross Buy and Cloud Save, you pick up where you left off on your PS4. And when the sun sets outside your window, it becomes night in the level you were just playing!


That’s what happens in our upcoming game, Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon, thanks to the positional features of PS Vita and PS4.


In Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon, out soon for PS4 and PS Vita, you play a jumping spider. You can walk on walls and ceilings, jump, and use your silk to create threads. Draw any shape with those threads and it’ll form a web, which is how you catch the variety of insects found at each location.


As you make your way from room to room, you’ll slowly realise that you’re exploring an abandoned estate, one riddled with mysteries, clues and puzzles. Like any good spider, you leave the place covered in cobwebs.




If you’re impatient you can use the weather device, but choose carefully — the weather device and time machine give you control, but only one of them can be used per real world moon phase. Moon phase? Yes indeed, Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon tracks that too, and you’ll need to be on your best spider sleuthing game to determine how moon phase impacts the deepest, most hidden puzzles and snatch up that Platinum Trophy!


Source - PlayStation.Blog.Europe


It has been out on mobile devices and PC and is now coming to PS4/PSVita.


Really digging the art style and idea behind the game. :)

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