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New Pokemon Colosseum?


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Was just playing Pokemon XD on the Gamecube and have reached the final battle. And for the first time ever really, I face a real challenge from Pokemon. I have to face a legendary then 6 pokemon I have to catch from another trainer. I just don't get this challenge from the other games. I think Shadow Pokemon should be a permanent pokemon feature, but combined with standard pokemon catching from the handheld games. I would love to see this on Wii U

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I've been thinking about it a lot of late.


Typically, the view of the Battle Sim games was to see Pokémon battles in 3D, with Colosseum & XD expanding upon that a bit. However, with X & Y being a full 3D RPG with full 3D battles, if the battle sim games are to continue, they need to have an extra hook and an RPG mode akin to Colosseum/XD's could be it.


Unfortunately, those games didn't review nor sell well which is why they didn't continue it with Battle Revolution and why there hasn't been a Gen V one

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