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N64 Copying Cartridge Saves?


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Hi everyone,

I am in abit of a pickle - I have a copy of Donkey Kong 64 on which I have a 100% completed save file. However, the label has been torn off the front of the cart (not by me!) and its always bugged me abit, so now with copies being so cheap I bought another copy of DK64 hoping to replay it sometime.


...Thing is I know I will never get round to doing it with there being so many other great games that I havent yet played at all :indeed: , so I was hoping that one of you guys/gals could tell me if there is someway I can copy one cartridges save file to another cart if its the same game? I was thinking that one of the cheat devices for the N64 must allow you to do this, but which one? Xploder, Action Replay, Gameshark etc? Does anyone know which one would allow me to do this?


If not, the only idea I have left it to open the cartridge itself with a special Gamebit and swap the casing for the other carts casing - but I dont know if you would be able to 'tell' if I had opened it at all - anyone have any knowledge or experience of this?


Or has anyone got another suggestion? :bowdown: Thanks in advance :smile:

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Hmm, maybe a crazy idea but why don't you just scan a good label, photoshop it to perfection & print it on good sticker paper and just paste that on there. It could look real good if done well.


As far as save copying goes and such, well you could buy one of those Flash Carts for the N64 but those are pretty rare nowadays

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Thanks everyone for your replies,

I dont really want to stick a handmade sticker on it - not matter how good it may look, I just know it wouldnt look 'right' - thanks for the idea though :smile:

I have not heard of the N64 Flash carts - despite doing a search on Google, does anynone know anymore about them?

I think I will probably just take the carts apart and replace the casing, seem like the best idea really.

I have heard of the Dexdrive, but unfortunately it only allows you to copy save files from a memory card, and not from the game cartridge :( Thanks anyway though

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