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My first app!


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Hello all!


This is kind of a plug, but I also would like some feedback too!


I have created my first app, it's a simple party game, the free lite version can be downloaded here:




Anyways! I was thinking of making a "gamer" verion of the app. i.e. all the names in it would be characters from games or people from the gaming world (e.g. shigeru miyamoto), does this sound like something people here would be interested in?



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I didn't download it, as I really have no interest in such an app, however, I have a few small suggestions regarding the user interface.


1) If the 'Time's Up" thing isn't a button, it looks way too much like one.

2) It's a little bit busy; I'd remove the "then" thing if it has no practical purpose, remove the numbers on the timer (or at least make them smaller), as well as reduce the length of the titles of the toolbar buttons to "Quit" and "Pass (#)" (And just "Pass" when the number is zero).

3) Make the background a little bit more transparent (maybe 50%). It's fine how it is on the title screen though.

4) The toolbar and it's buttons should be red to match the navigation bar on the other screen. Since you only have a 'Go Back' button, and one other button, you could even just use a navigation bar instead.

5) Remove the embossing on the buttons, and just give them a dark 1-2pt border.


It sounds like a good idea though, I wish you luck with your sales. Speaking of that, you might want to limit the lite version a little bit more, just to make the paid version a little bit more enticing. Perhaps drop the number of names down to 50, or even 30, and maybe limit the number of teams.

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Have you thought about an Android version? (Don't have an iPhone so can't test it out.)


Rather than doing a lite and full version. You could make the app free, but have ads in it, and make money that way. And then they could buy the premium version to take the ads away. Just a thought, I know a lot of apps are doing it that way.

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