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Dead Space 3


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Took a gamble pre-ordering this game with all the rumours etc but i'm glad i did. Loving it so far, the gameplay, pacing, weapon crafting and the single player campaign. I can see myself replaying this quite a bit too when i complete it. The co-op looks good too and is completely seperate from the single player campaign though anything you pick up in co-op carries over to your single player campaign.


Micro transactions are a bug bear of mine ( though you could say i participated in the micro transactions by buying the limited edition which included 2 suits and 2 weapons ) but you really don't need to participate in these micro transactions at all. You also get extra suits and weapons if you already have DS2 or ME3 saves.


All in all a great game that i think a lot of people may have passed up. There doesn't seem to be anybody on here with the game as i had to clear the tumbleweed before i could post.

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I'll pick it up at some point when it's dirt cheap like I did with the first two. Actually the realise of this has prompted me to finish Dead Space 2 I was up to Chapter 7 so figured what the hell, up to Chapter 10 so far and really enjoying it...still as I found the first game the oppressive nature of the tone makes it hard for me to play for too long at once.

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