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Something crazy just happened


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I was connected to the internet but not surfing any sites, just listening to iTunes while playing Pro Evo. I turned around to be faced with a blue screen of death. I thought it was weird because the music was still on. I read it, and it said something like a memory error caused a fault and that windows had been shut down, and to restart in safe mode. Blah blah.. In my panic I just turned it off, and here I am, the system seems fine, I'm doing some virus and spyware scans.


I just thought I would share this puzzling, scary ordeal.

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Dude, i'm getting it everyday on my PC recently!

Not only does it turn itself off randomly every so often, but it never lets me shut down properly. When it says 'saving your settings' it just stays like that and never turns off so I have to turn off via the mains.

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