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Rodea: The Sky Soldier


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Up to Chapter 17 now and I'm still really enjoying it. It's not perfect mind you, the environments do feel a bit bland and it could do with more enemy/gameplay gimmick/mission variety as it can feel a bit repetitive at times, but regardless I'm still having a good time with it :) The core gameplay really is very satisfying and genuinely unique, even if the game could do with some bounding box sensitivity settings for the camera as it can be a bit sluggish sometimes...


Bit of a cruel joke with it coming out now though. It's really the kind of game I wanted to see from 3rd parties on Wii back during the console's heyday and of course we would finally get one well after the console is dead and buried :(


I finally started this game today and oh man, I've loved every second so far. I got it for the Yuji Naka game and thought I'd try the U one when I've completed it as an extra, sadly the impressions you've given of the Wii U version are what I expected. It's a shame they had to completely change it.


So yeah, the game. MAN. These are the kinda titles that made me love the Wii so much, the camera is a bit rubbish (could have really benefited from Motion Plus like what's seen in Wii Play Motion on the shooting mini-game) but everything else is awesome.


The controls are generally good though I have got stuck in tree's and behind rocks a few times, I'm still not sure if that's the games fault or mine though :p


But yeah, I love everything about it, I was MADLY in love with NiGHTS on the Wii and this really feels like his vision of a 3D NiGHTS, it's like NiGHTS mixed with Gravity Rush (another favourite of mine).


The atmosphere is nice and Rodea as a character is awesome. The weird semi-CGI cutscenes are also so SEGA Dreamcast it makes my heart melt and some of the world are surprisingly complex, though after years of party games and Just Dance, maybe I'd just forgotten that the Wii can handle 'proper' games too.


I'll get stuck back in tomorrow! :yay: Like you said, it's a tragedy this wasn't released earlier on Wii and even worse that the name has been tarnished by an inferior port/different game.

Edited by Josh64
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