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Wii Online FPS Comparison

Zechs Merquise

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But Conduit 3 will be as big as revolutionary as GTA3 so that's the one to keep an eye out for ;)


Woah woah slow down Falcy, what your prediction of 'Conduit 3' is could end up being 'Conduit 4: The Begining of A New Generation', y'know. 'Conduit 3' possibly may be 'Conduit 3D' for the Nintendo 3dS :love::heart::eek:


.. Do you have any idea how super fun it'd be see my charged Drudge weapon or a missile rocket being launched all the way down in the depth of the location? Bloody hell would that be a vision to see!

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No, and I don't want to either, I got sick of CoD on the 360 3 games ago, I'm hardly going to want to play it on another console.


Then you've got no grounds to base your comments on.

I got bored of CoD on the 360, I stopped playing MW2 at this point last year due to my boredom of it.

On the Wii however, the controls give it a whole new level of freshness. It's just much more fun to play and I've been playing Wii CoD's since mid last year and I'm just loving it the more I play it!


It is easily the best Wii FPS bar none!

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No, and I don't want to either, I got sick of CoD on the 360 3 games ago, I'm hardly going to want to play it on another console.


So, you don't want to play Black Ops on Wii, and you're sick of COD. But, you think the best online FPS on the Wii is a game that basically provides a watered down COD system which sadly lacks the polish and finesse found in COD games. Bizarre.

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So, you don't want to play Black Ops on Wii, and you're sick of COD. But, you think the best online FPS on the Wii is a game that basically provides a watered down COD system which sadly lacks the polish and finesse found in COD games. Bizarre.


Just feels more old skool to me, which is what I prefer in a FPS,

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Just feels more out-dated to me, which is what I prefer in a FPS,


Fixed it for ya! :heh:


I do understand though, different people have different preferences.


Some I can't comprehend but hey, who am I to judge?! lol

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