Guy Posted May 10, 2010 Posted May 10, 2010 Bored late last night I came up with a new game I want to introduce to my friend group and jotted down some rules and a premise. Wondering what your thoughts are on it, if you'd play it and rule amendments you'd suggest. I don't think this belongs in Creative or Forum Games and I would appreciate input. Lastly I am aware how retarded the concept is, but it's just stupid and fun enough to work. I guess this thread could become a discussion of any strange games anyone around here plays with IRL friends of a similar nature? THE RULES OF WINNER CAP. Winner Cap is a competition played by a group of friends or colleagues with any regular baseball cap who have all taken "The Oath" and closed "The Circle". In the game, outlined in detail below, a cap is passed between them as an indefinite keepsake to commend a significant joke, act or idea they are responsible for. Winner Cap can potentially last for years but adheres to a strict set of rules outlined below. THE OATH. "The Oath" must be taken by all participants of "The Circle" before signing Winner Cap. Oh Winner Cap, cap of dreams, Acknowledgement of excellent schemes, Of amazing jokes and most remarkable feats, Crown of the Awesome, the most elite. Relinquished when deserved, When nomination plus two are heard, But Winner Cap, enjoy your stay, For I may get you back some day. INITIATING WINNER CAP The Winner Cap will be revealed to unknowing participants, who will then be invited to peruse the rules and join the game by taking "The Oath". "The Oath" will be repeated a line at a time and everyone there will sign the cap with a permanent marker that shows up on the material establishing themselves as members of "The Circle". This is called "Closing the Circle" and means only those who have signed Winner Cap can possess and nominate to possess it. Winner Cap itself is the contract and agreement. THE INITIAL KEEPER. At the end of the event or evening that has seen a game of Winner Cap be initiated, the group each nominates a person they feel deserves Winner Cap for winning the induction event so to speak. The person now takes Winner Cap and keeps it until a nomination is made at a later date that will see them relinquish it to the new owner in "The Ceremony" NOMINATIONS AND PASSING OF WINNER CAP IN THE CEREMONY Winner Cap can be taken from one person in "The Circle" and given to another by way of nomination. This works on a simple three person system whereby one member of "The Circle" nominates another for doing something worthy of taking possession of Winner Cap and two or more other members of "The Circle" supporting that nomination. A member of "The Circle" cannot nominate themselves but is welcome to encourage nominations if they feel they are being unfairly denied one. Winner cap nominations can be made without all members of "The Circle" being present, but at least three other members must agree it is a worthy cause. The only way Winner Cap can pass between members of "The Circle" without nomination is by decree of the current keeper of Winner Cap that another member has outdone them and deserves it more. An example could be passing a driver's test. This act is incontestable. "The Ceremony" is the passing of Winner Cap from one member of "The Circle" to another. The exchange of the hat must take place to the Karate Kid theme "You're the Best Around" by Joe Esposito. If the actual song is unavailable during transference of Winner Cap, present members of "The Circle" must sing it throughout. TIEBREAKER In the event of a tie nomination in Winner Cap, the keeper is decided by a best of three game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Multi-ties are settled with a single mass game. REPLACING A WORN OUT WINNER CAP Should Winner Cap need replacing, a new Winner Cap is provided by the current keeper and resigned, with the underside of the tongue marked to numerically represent the Winner Cap's generation. This generation marking must be made under any circumstances where Winner Cap is replaced with another. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS RULES Refusal to part with Winner Cap when necessary, loss, destruction or theft of Winner Cap result in a new cap being signed and "The Circle" becoming re-closed excluding a potentially offending member. Those wishing to be removed from "The Circle" may also purchase a new cap and provide it for resigning, after which the original cap is burned. If a member dies in possession of Winner Cap they are buried or cremated with the hat. If a member of "The Circle" is in possession of Winner Cap and is to be apart from the group from an extended period (over two weeks) they may nominate a "Safe Keeper" of Winner Cap who will be responsible for passing it on at their discretion. If it has not been passed on before the assigning keeper returns it is once again theirs.
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