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Firmware 4.2E update available


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Incidently apparently the coding Nintendo went and did for the 4.2 update was so buggy in itself that some people who have updated had their Wii's bricked... even if they didn't have homebrew installed... so I guess you should also update with care anyway... I think i'll just stay on 4.1 for now and wait see what happens with 4.3 :heh:


See here


apparantly the new update also fixed some slight on-line glitch in the conduit.......Ya I don't care either.


I care :blank:

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Guys, no doubt you're already aware of this, but you can update IF you also have the latest version of HBC (...not sure I'm allowed to post any details here, but you can read up on it elsewhere). They've sorted it out really quick. I'm on 4.2 now with everything intact. Apparently Nintendo's attempted block was really lame.


Just purchased Ys from the shopping channel and loving the music and cutscenes! :yay:

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