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A new Pokemon game coming soon on Nintendo Wii


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lol... I've only ever bought Gameboys for pokemon games, but now I'm not going to fork a £100 and something for DS just for pokemon.


I'm just one of those people who don't have the time to deal with handhelds. When you're busy going about, and you've got a home console at home, handhelds just don't appeal to me. So NO! ;)


Indeed, and not just the Pokemon series either, there are so many awesome and great DS titles on the DS system it's incredible.


May I ask... When do you play your DS? Are you a student? Or not in full time employment? I'm trying to decipher the target audience to handheld gaming.


There's not enough hours in a day, to put in so much tine for games! o__O

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lol... I've only ever bought Gameboys for pokemon games, but now I'm not going to fork a £100 and something for DS just for pokemon.


I'm just one of those people who don't have the time to deal with handhelds. When you're busy going about, and you've got a home console at home, handhelds just don't appeal to me. So NO! ;)




May I ask... When do you play your DS? Are you a student? Or not in full time employment? I'm trying to decipher the target audience to handheld gaming.


There's not enough hours in a day, to put in so much tine for games! o__O


It's tough balancing them. I go through phases where I play my DS (or the female's DS) and then I go through phases where I play the Wii. The two hardly ever overlap. It's really an impulse thing. "I'm going to play Super Mario Galaxy now." And then I do eet.


To be honest though, handhelds are much cheaper than home consoles, there's less hassle with getting into the main game and you can play them wherever. When I want to play a Wii game, I've gotta go into my living room (making sure the telly isn't being used.) Turn it on, get the disc into the tray, then wait for that to load up. It just always seems quicker with a handheld for some reason. Plus, you can use it on your bed, living room, outside somewhere. If I had a busy lifestyle, I think a handheld would be much more of use to me than a Wii.


I used my DS lots during my first year at uni, in halls. Then, in the second year, I bought a Wii for my house (when I moved in with the ex, who wasn't the ex at the time.) Then, moved into a different house, kept the Wii downstairs so everyone could use it, then used my DS in bed.


Playing the DS on the train though with Ine is really fun, though. And, it's nice to play even if you only have a few spare minutes of time. When she had a tutorial recently at her Uni, I waited outside playing Tetris. :)

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Hmm, you do paint a good picture in regards to using handhelds. I think my frustration subconsciously comes from having to buy new batteries. Plus I love the whole surround sound, grande occasion in my nest sort of thing.


But, I must admit you have tantilized my uh taste buds... I just need some pokemans! :/


DS doesn't use batteries. =P


But yeah I love handhelds! I think with the DS I prefer it over the Wii. You can really play it whenever/wherever, without having to do the whole set-up you have to do for a console game. Plus you can play in short bursts, which I feel I can't really do on the Wii.

I don't have much time to game so the DS is perfect for me. I can just whip it out whenever I have a few minutes of free time and then play my game. =D

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Hmm, you do paint a good picture in regards to using handhelds. I think my frustration subconsciously comes from having to buy new batteries. Plus I love the whole surround sound, grande occasion in my nest sort of thing.


But, I must admit you have tantilized my uh taste buds... I just need some pokemans! :/


I'm very much the same as you. I like being able to sit back, look at the tv and control using something in my hands. I don't know why, but I didn't click with handhelds as quickly. I love the DS though, and I guess it's the first time (apart from the Pokemon games) where I've truly loved the handhelds. I played quite a few Gameboy and GBA games, but for some reason I wasn't hooked as much as console games.


But, avec le Wii, you need batteries for that. Except I've got a funky little recharge thing, so I use that. But, having to charge the DS or that charger does suck. Plus, I sometimes get numb arms or hands if I'm sat in a funny position using my handheld. I like being able to lie down on my front and play a game like that, though. But after a while, I get cramp.

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LOL... oh DS doesn't use batteries? See just look how far removed I am from the whole scene.


Hmm thanks Flinky, actually boosted my interest in the DS. :)


Ya, you just plug it in and recharge it. So, no need to piss around looking for batteries.


Actually, why didn't the Wiimotes come like that? Would've been great.


Yeees, the DS is really a great little system. You can quite easily build up a great collection of games, and there's a great library there. If you're having trouble with a busy lifestyle, then I think it would be worth looking into. I've only got a DS Big Arse Edition, so one day I want to get a DSi or a Lite or something. Then, carry that around with me for trains and stuff, since I spend half my life on there.

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May I ask... When do you play your DS? Are you a student? Or not in full time employment? I'm trying to decipher the target audience to handheld gaming.


There's not enough hours in a day, to put in so much tine for games! o__O


I ain't a student, I have two jobs going on at once (One during the day and one during the night). Sometimes I work more then 12 hours in one day if they come almost together in the hours.


I usually play the DS either at home, or during lunch break, just depends, usually read a book during lunch though :heh:

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