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Art Challenge


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The challenges on RedBubble have given me an idea for a game on here.


It's pretty simple. Someone posts a challenge and people make art that corresponds to it. The challenge can be as simple as a set topic (for example cars, computer games etc) or something more vague (for example a song lyric or a sentence to be interpreted by the entrants).


Other than being visual, the art submitted can be anything, traditional art, digital art, photography, video, anything as long as it's visual.


In the same way as the other game thread, winner picks the next topic and chooses a winner for it.


Hopefully people will actually do this. It may take some effort, but I'm sure we have some creative people on here that want to try new ideas. And don't worry about your stuff not being as good as other peoples (I'm thinking Eenuhs stuff will overshadow a lot of peoples if she participates!), you never know what will impress the judge. Plus it could be a good way to advertise your RedBubble stuff.


I'll start us off:


Hybrids - A combination or 2 or more items/people/animals/anything.

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This seems like fun, i wish i was good enough to actually use photoshop.


You can just draw something on paper, take a photo, or actually make some sort of hybrid as well. For example, you could cellotape a walkie talkie to a pidgeon and take a photo. The talkie-pidgeon could be sent into hostage negotiation situations to open up communications with the hostage taker. I imagine the hilarity of an armed man yelling orders into a pidgeon would at least ease the stress of the hostages, if nothing else. Probably send the gunman over the edge and cause him to start shooting though.

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You can just draw something on paper, take a photo, or actually make some sort of hybrid as well. For example, you could cellotape a walkie talkie to a pidgeon and take a photo. The talkie-pidgeon could be sent into hostage negotiation situations to open up communications with the hostage taker. I imagine the hilarity of an armed man yelling orders into a pidgeon would at least ease the stress of the hostages, if nothing else. Probably send the gunman over the edge and cause him to start shooting though.

That image actually sent me into a laughing fit! XD

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Now imagine you're a hostage, wouldn't that giggle fit be a welcome relief? The gunman might join in with the laughter and everyone laughs together like the end of a shit 80s cartoon. That is untill the police burst in a shoot his face clean off his head.


Just to clarify, the hybrid doesn't actually need to have a use. It could just be 2 random objects put together for no other reason than it looks good.

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