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ok a continuation from my prevoius thread


This is my mates rig (like mine cept few differnces)


AMD Athlon XP 3200+ @ 2.21ghz

Asus A7N8X Deluxe with latest bios rev 2.0

1.5gb PC3200 Ram

ATI X850XT PE (AGP) on stock cooling/speeds

160gb 7200RPM 8mb cache Seagate baracuda HDD

Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS

Lite CDRW Drive



Qtec PSU 400W Dual Fan Gold


Now its a Decent rig, plays games fine, any how the thing is he just updated his gfx card from a 9700 pro to a ATI X850XT PE ( he did all the usal things when u install a new gfx card. i.e uninstall drivers, format windows etc), now the thing is when he play some gfx demanding games like lost coast , fear quake 4 , Cod 2, after 10 mins of his computer suddenly turns off, however this does not happen when he use windows normally (internet /music work etc), first he thought that the X850XT PE was over heating but the temps are as follows


used the ati tool for the temps and this what he got while playing lost cost, quake 4, fear etc @ high settings on all games


gpu = 64 - 68 celcious


card chipset = 45 - 48 celcious


now these are not too high at all


at idle (normall windows use) the temps are as follows


gpu = 37 celcious


card chipset = 36 celcious


now as you can see the gfx card is not over heating at all, this leads me to the PSU, which i belive is underpowerd for the gfx card and plus the qulity of it is not good,


now is this asumption true? plz take into consideration of my overall system


i am think of changing my PSU to a 500/600 watt supply should i do this?


now i recommend him these PSU, now can someone tell which is the best out of the two and double check, if they will work on the system


here are the PSU's


1. http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?rb=13422384940&action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=46113






plz can you help, thanks in advance.


p.s sorry for the spelling mistakes


I've been reading into the X850 PE recently and it seems it's power consumption is around 260 or so underload so with your amount of devices you may need more power and a good quality PSU (there are some PSU's that are cheap but good like tagan and I think hiper aswelllook around for reviews) like around 480/500 watts also consider the amount of fans you have!


i wouldnt say its you need a higher rated psu,its probably that you need a more stable one,i would say it gets very unstable and cannoet give out its stated amount of power when it is nearing its maximum power draw.

  Raining_again said:
probably just a good idea to get a new psu anyway :) high wattage ftw



yeah, i brought this one




to replace my crap qtec one, which i found out does not run t its stated 400watts but at fucking 300 WTF, no wonder my pc kept turning off when i play games, any how when my new one comes, then let the fear begin...

  Raining_again said:
with 2 fans very nice... :heh: watch how you put it in with air flow and that :) just check the hot air is being blown out.


lol i am gonar take it my mates shop to fit it in, lol i can only install vid cards, ram, hdd, dvdcd drives etc but not PSU's for some reason, any how i am learning to though, so by summer i should to be able to built my own comp very soon

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