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Pc Hardware Upgrades dead? (OnLive)


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This article helps lend the service some credibility but I'm still a little sceptical.


The first thing is this $20 video encoding magic chip they have apparently developed, which seems impossible but they do have cheap netbook chips that can play 1080p these days.

The other thing is the video compression algorithm, which must be revolutionary if they can really encode 60fps 720p in real time on a $20 chip and only have a couple of artefacts. While I can appreciate that some games won't have much full screen movement and small changes in the screen could be done easier - other's won't. How can this algorithm be applied to all types of games?

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Anyway some new news about this doing the rounds;






We've been pretty skeptical of OnLive's many futuristic promises. From streaming every game ever to anything with a decent internet connection, to being able to end world hunger (okay, we made up that second one), it's kind of an enormous leap to be taking from our current standards. In an effort to keep us on our toes, the company just this week announced that not only can the service stream games to households, but also to cell phones. "Today, at a Wedbush financial conference in New York I showed OnLive running simultaneously on two iPhones, a TV, and a computer," said CEO Steve Perlman.


"It's important to understand that a cell phone is a very different beast than TV, PC or Mac ... currently, games on OnLive are tuned for TVs and computers, so initially, it's the Community and Social elements of OnLive that we're most excited about on mobile devices." OTOY has already proven that mobile gaming of this level can exist, but we're still not convinced anyone wants to play the full console/PC version of games on their phone. Impressive? Sure. Functional? That has yet to be seen.

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