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Wireless Connection Problems


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EDIT: This thread can be removed as I did things my own way instead of following the instructions and my way worked. Screw Instructions :heh:


I'm sure there are countless threads about this sort of thing on here already.. as well as all over the internet! I just can't find what I specifically need to solve what should be a pretty basic problem.


I have a BT Voyager 2110 Router and it has been great for me since I got it.. I'm connected here through an ethernet port and my brother's laptop connects wirelessly with ease.


My dad recently got a new computer with Windows Vista and today we bought a Netgear 54 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter WG111v3 and for the last couple of hours I have been trying to install it. I went through all the steps during the CD installation and I came to a stage asking for a WEP Passphrase. I'm not even sure what that is, but I typed in the Wireless Key displayed on the bottom of my router and it seemed to work.


However, I am not yet connected to the internet. The Installation Guide highlights several connection indicatiors. The indicator currently on my dad's computer is:




The description states:


Wireless Connection to router OK but problem with the router.



Can someone please help as I'm trying to revise for my exams and this is wasting my time and making me pretty angry :hmm:


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