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Cheap laptops?


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Didn't you say that you stopped playing FFXI?


Yeah but my brother has said i can use a spare account of his to play on, and i need something to keep me going inbetween bi-hourly feeds in the wee hours of the morning :)

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Haha if only it were that easy... Imagine this, your baby wakes up screaming at 1am, it wakes up your toddler, your missus feeds the baby while you get the toddler back to sleep. Its now 1:30 am and at 2:30-3am you have to do it all again >.>


I didnt sleep for 3 months with the other one :(


OT: what's your budget? What specs are you after?


Budget wise... as cheap as poss but value for money is more important. I dont want a cheap piece of crap i would rather spend £500 on something decent. Just needs to browse the net, play DVD's and FFXI.



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Guest Jordan

So... wait a second.


For £500 you want a laptop:

Which is new

Which can play games well

Which stays cool


There is no way... A decent gaming laptop (lets say a Dell XPS or an Alienware which is made for gaming in mind is going to cost you around £900-£1200.)


You might find something if you look around though. I just don't think you are... >_>




The £529 one is your best bet tbh.

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For £500 you want a laptop:

Which is new

Which can play games well

Which stays cool


It dosnt have to be great though, i know il have trouble finding one which will stay cool. Im thinking something like sticking an extra gig of ram in one of these:


Lenovo 3000


Or maybe just grab a vostro:



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